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light saber crystals


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With Artifice you can make blue, green, yellow, and red....i have seen orange, yellow-black and a few other ones but i don't know how to get those


Orange is from Flashpoints, specifically Hammer, Mandalorian Raiders and Cademimu iirc.


Yellow-Black is The Pre-Order Crystal.


White is reportedly the Aldaraan World Boss drop.


Green-Black is supposedly from the Razer Gaming Equipment Order Codes.


Magenta (Pinkish?) is a craftable.


Cyan, Dark Blue, Black are all supposedly available too.

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These are all the available colours in the game.


Blue - Your general crystal on republic.


Green- Very common crystal, available through drops, artificing, and buying weapons with this colour crystal.


Red- Your general crystal on imperial, easy to aquire, through artificing and buying from vendors, only usable on republic if you have dark side points or you are neutral (sometimes)


Yellow- Available through artificing, drops, and vendors


Orange- A rarer crystal, available through drops and some mid-late game vendors.


Magenta- The current rarest crystal in the game, more can be found about this on the forums.


Yellow- Black- Pre-order bonus crystal.


Blue- Black- End-game gear crystal for republic.


Green- Black- As said above, possibly through razer products.


Red- Black- End-game gear crystal for empire.


Purple- PvP end-game gear crystal for empire


Cyan- PvP end-game gear crystal for republic



White- Unknown to be in the current build at this time, if it is, it is extremely hard to find.

Edited by Inraika
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