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Attention Bioware!!!!!!!


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Please fix the marauder class! i find them to be super underpowered when it comes to just about everything. they have now heals... no knock back... and i find their damage horribly low in some cases. i have read guides for dps and rotations for annihlate spec and im doing everything correct. but still my dps is just super low. i have most champion pieces but i have not seen any difference besides the expertise. So please bioware, please fix this class!!!!:(
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Please fix the marauder class! i find them to be super underpowered when it comes to just about everything. they have now heals... no knock back... and i find their damage horribly low in some cases. i have read guides for dps and rotations for annihlate spec and im doing everything correct. but still my dps is just super low. i have most champion pieces but i have not seen any difference besides the expertise. So please bioware, please fix this class!!!!:(



Annihilation has a heal and awesome damage. I suspect you are low level. Level up, play Annihilation branch then come back here. Kthxbye.

Edited by Ardim
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I actually have almost no complaints about Marauder. It's a blast to play and I'm able to 1v1 every class with the exception of a good geared merc healer (or it's republic counter-part).


I'm pretty sure you are doing it wrong.



Agreed, i think my marauder is awesome, I would love some tweaks though.

We could use some more utility.. An immune to knockback ability would be awesome in both pve and pvp


Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but we're about the only class that can't screw someone over running the ball in huttball, except choke and sutch over grills ofcourse.

Edited by Loopicks
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Keep dot's up at all times and use annihilate with powerups if you can.. Other than that I rarely have a rotation for pvp since it's too situational.. Also remember, berserk is awesome for both healing and dot crits


Pve I keep my dot's up at the target as a priority 1

Annihilate prio 2

3 force scream/ ravage depending if deadly saber is up


But you also have to adapt in pve..

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People do know to get higher dps depends how you play your attacks and powers. Selecting attacks in specific order create higher dps.


Also the Warrior class requires very high Strength and Power, Critical rating will help a little as well.


Rest is up to you

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well im lvl 50... so what are your guys rotations? mabey you can help me out....:(


This was where I put my points when I was Annihilation.




A basic rotation would probably be something like this


Force Charge --> Deadly Saber in mid-air --> Battering Assault --> Rupture --> Assault --> Annihilate --> Assault --> Rupture (If Annihilate reset the CD) --> Battering Assault --> Deadly Saber

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