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Sentinel ranged moves


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So I'm enjoying my Sentinel thoroughly. I don't have much of a problem with him, although I can see why some people might complain. I'm finding, though, that several of the Sentinel abilities just... are useless. I cannot fathom a use for thinks like Blade Storm or Saber Throw (I think that's what they're called, the first two "ranged" abilities). They both COST my focus, but most of the time, that means I'm already in combat. The way I play Sentinel is to kill enemies ASAP, so I don't have the time to hit a far away enemy while I'm tearing it up close. Where does that fit in to my rotation? I have Force Leap up before I need to hit my next enemy.


I could see a use for it if I could use them on the move, even, while I'm closing the gap between my enemies, but that's not the case, because A) The range is too small, and B) It makes you stop.


There's a few other abilities I can see being strictly useful for PVP (Leg Strike or whatever), but why would you ever want to use the other ranged abilities?

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So I'm enjoying my Sentinel thoroughly. I don't have much of a problem with him, although I can see why some people might complain. I'm finding, though, that several of the Sentinel abilities just... are useless. I cannot fathom a use for thinks like Blade Storm or Saber Throw (I think that's what they're called, the first two "ranged" abilities). They both COST my focus, but most of the time, that means I'm already in combat. The way I play Sentinel is to kill enemies ASAP, so I don't have the time to hit a far away enemy while I'm tearing it up close. Where does that fit in to my rotation? I have Force Leap up before I need to hit my next enemy.


I could see a use for it if I could use them on the move, even, while I'm closing the gap between my enemies, but that's not the case, because A) The range is too small, and B) It makes you stop.


There's a few other abilities I can see being strictly useful for PVP (Leg Strike or whatever), but why would you ever want to use the other ranged abilities?


Blade Storm is one of your highest damage abilities, and certain specs make it use less focus, guarantee crits, etc. It's not an opening/pulling ranged move, but rather a move you can use while closing a gap, the opponent is running away, or while they're in melee range since it's still way higher damage than a single strike and will deal with defenses better than your saber attacks. Blade Storm doesn't make you stop, can be used on the move and I do so quite often. That's one of the best uses for it against players.


Leg Strike is pretty much a PVP move, yeah, but an essential one. At lower levels your saber throw has a healing debuff which can be useful for healing enemies, but usually not necessary - again that's more of a PVP skill, which can include a nice immobilization if talented.

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Really? I could have sworn it made you stop. I wasn't aware that you could move while doing so, I feel dumb now. Would you recommend it as part of the regular rotation up close? What about Saber Throw?


In PVE rotations many people like using Dispatch (the higher level saber throw), but I wouldn't worry about crippling throw in your PVE rotation.


I would recommend using Blade Storm regularly in your rotations, though, especially if you're combat spec, it's basically a must then (most people aren't these days, but still). It can pull some pretty nice sized criticals, and since it's Force damage will ignore more defenses than say, Slash, as I said earlier.


Don't feel stupid, sometimes the way animations activate in this game it can seem like you get rooted, especially depending on computer/ISP. It can definitely be used on the run, the short range sometimes throws you off because it won't light up until you're in range.

Edited by AstralProjection
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