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Sentinel as Tank?


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So, before anyone states the obvious, I KNOW Sentinel isn't a tanking class. What I mean, is that there have been times where I've run Flashpoints at the limit level before they grey out (and other times when they ARE grey out and I'm running them for some quick creds or just to try out a different spec) and I find that I have much more HP and armor than the others and we don't have a tank. Anyways, outside of specific skills that generate aggro (of which, I believe Sentinel has none) I'm not sure exactly what CAUSES aggro, I just know I have an awfully hard time maintaining it in a group of 4, especially with a healer, which I'm constantly trying to pull mobs off of. Anyways, outside of Force Stasis, Pacify, and Force Kick (which isn't always useful), are there any other ways a Sentinel can pull mobs off of ailing players in a group with no tank?
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I've done it on trash when our tank DC'd, and on one boss that bugged out. It's not easy, and usually the amount of healing done to keep you alive will beat your threat generation. If you're watchman, burns help a lot. I spread burns around and cycle targets as they break away. If you catch them quickly a crippling throw can sometimes bring them back.


But yeah, we have plenty of defensive cooldowns to survive and make it easier for the healer, but no real way to keep aggro on groups. If it's a single gold or boss, piece of cake.

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AoE tanking is nearly impossible. Boss tanking is quite easy in my experience though. And in False Emperor, my preferred strategy is for me to tank the Mandolorian boss (one with the Ship) while the more mobile tank(nothing to force leap to, but guardian leap/sprints work fine) deals with the turrets.
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I've found with Quick Recovery II and some party tactics you can tank fairly well. Tossing up some defensive skills, Force Leap into a group, Sweep and then Cyclone Slashing for a while tends to keep aggro on you well enough. In the higher levels 38+ I've only been successful at Tanking Bosses, not as much AoE.
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