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Darth Plagueis Novel


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I'm currently listening to the book now( purchase them in audio book then hard copy - i like reading them after with the character voices in my head) although Mark Thompson usually narrates (and IMO is fantastic) this was narrated by Daniel Davis.


Has anyone read this yet? I'm about 1/2 through..


Luceno does a good job of bringing Plagueis' character to life, I thought I liked Bane.. man how things would have been different if Plagueis and not Palpatine ruled.


I like him far better than Palpatine.


the novel has allot of political machinations(as expected) and some name dropping so some parts tend to drag a bit..if you're a fan you wont mind itt much.. but it fills in lots of holes and goes up to EP1.


getting to see the Dark Side wielded with such guile, skill & power by two of the most powerful Sith Lords ever is fantastic. You see how the Sith start their plans to rule, destroy the jedi, Kamino, etc.


I don't want to spoil it too much but its a far far better novel than Revan.

Edited by Jaysun
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I might read this one next.


I didn't read the Revan novel basically just because I absolutely hate it when a character is created for a videogame to make the player feel incredibly powerful and epic and all of a sudden they're the "most powerful ever" and totally trump all that came before. I mean, I think Vader is amazingly powerful for being able to force choke someone through a video monitor. Then comes Revan who is the greatest Jedi ever, then the greatest Sith ever, then the greatest Jedi since Revan and then the greatest inbetween Jedi/Sith ever. Then "Starkiller" pulls a star destroyer out of orbit and into a planets surface probably while riding a unicycle and juggling seven stormtroopers.


I'll stop ranting. TLDR: I usually ignore characters created for videogames. Interested in reading this book.

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I might read this one next.


I didn't read the Revan novel basically just because I absolutely hate it when a character is created for a videogame to make the player feel incredibly powerful and epic and all of a sudden they're the "most powerful ever" and totally trump all that came before. I mean, I think Vader is amazingly powerful for being able to force choke someone through a video monitor. Then comes Revan who is the greatest Jedi ever, then the greatest Sith ever, then the greatest Jedi since Revan and then the greatest inbetween Jedi/Sith ever. Then "Starkiller" pulls a star destroyer out of orbit and into a planets surface probably while riding a unicycle and juggling seven stormtroopers.


I'll stop ranting. TLDR: I usually ignore characters created for videogames. Interested in reading this book.


yeah not a big fan of Video game characters being put in novels.. I can make an argument that Jaden Korr was far more powerful than Revan or the Exile..


dont get me started on TFU, while fun games.. they killed cannon and made Vader and Palpes look like to bumbling force novices

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I'll probably look for this book on iTunes when I get home. I've always been a big fan of the Sith in general. The last book I read was the one regarding Darth Malgus, who (surprisingly!) wasn't made into an all powerful godlike character. He was a lot like old school Vader, which was very refreshing. Though I went into the book expecting it to focus on him so much more. At least half of the book, maybe more, was focused on a Jedi and a Smuggler unfortunately.


I was a huge fan of the Sith Wars comic series. That was really well done. I loved the Brotherhood of Darkness and seeing the rise of Darth Bane. I really need to read the Darth Bane trilogy.

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Ok about 3/4 of the way through. I don't know how the Sith failed!


















Plagueis' & Palpatines' plan was fool proof, well thought out. They had easily 1/2 of the senate on their payroll.


I think by killing Plagueis, Palpatine sealed his fate.


Maul, Dooku a young Vader together don't make up for the loss of Plagueis' skill both politically and with the Force.


Again there's lots of political name-dropping but the writing is solid

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