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So I had an idea. Recently Operatives have been catching a lot of flak, primarily about Concealment. It has been raised time and time again that the only time Concealment is really a problem, is when they outlevel, outgear, and outbuff their opponents and face them in 1v1 combat. A lot of blame has also been placed on BioChem (by most high level players of all classes) but people seem convinced that Concealment Operatives would still be imbalanced without it.


I ask, would anyone be interested in me (Valor 29 Lethality Operative with ~180 expertise) doing a handful of Warzones, with no BioChem, as Concealment to see if it is actually the class, or just people playing to the extremes? I could fraps or maybe stream it as proof. Just wondering since we have seen plenty of video "proof" that Concealment is clearly overpowered (usually someone buff stacking against their buddy and swapping gear--and the video mysteriously stuttering--before actually attacking).

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