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Life as a Sentinel


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Life as a Sentinel in Huttball:


A dying teammate passes the ball to you up on the higher platforms, you're not far from the goal so you make a run for it. No opposing member is near the goal line, can't force leap so you sprint, and then you're pulled into the fire by a BH, dead.


Sorc has the ball, he's close to the goal so you snare and inflict trauma and begin to wail on him, Sorc does Overload, you're knocked off the platform into the pit, tracer missile spam from ranged, dead!


Oh a Merc all by himself, interrupt tracer missile, inflict trauma and snare so he won't run away, Merc does a knockback, knocks you off the platform, tracer missile spam, dead! ***, WHY does a heavy armor class have a knockback and we do not?


Run into the fray, every single person on the opposing side focuses fire on you; you find yourself stunned for close to 10 seconds, your resolve bar full yet not doing anything. Used your 1 min CD, yet you're SNARED! Force Camouflage! does nothing cause there's no way to dispel the dots, and soon, dead!


1 on 1 fight with an Assassin, you're winning until, he does Overload which knocks you into acid, tracer missile spam from a nearby BH, dead!


Huttball is a nightmare

Edited by Logisitcs
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