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Watchman stats


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So this has been discussed to death, but i'm kind of having some different thoughts about it right now.


First of all, watchman can have zen up so much that I think stacking crit isn't really necessary. That said, surge almost always comes with crit attached on the same mod/relic, and I think getting surge into the high 80 is pretty important considering the amount of crits you get from burns and from zen.


But what I'm really wondering about is how power applies to our attacks and to our burns. I have in the 300's power right now which on my stat sheet translates to only a bonus of 72 damage... That doesn't seem worth it at all to me yet a lot of people are considering power to be one of the better stats to stack behind primary stats.


So how can something that seems to scale so poorly be worth stacking? 300 power = 72 bonus damage? That seems god awful to me, but how does it translate into my actual abilities. Is it just adding a raw 72 to everything or is that increased somehow?


Secondly, burns are considered force attacks correct? If that is the case wouldn't using a force power adrenal be strong?


Just trying to figure this all out. Your thoughts?

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