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Alderran Datacron


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They put in a fix in cantina's in the form of a jogging machine - so all you lazy speeder pilots can loose some weight to fit through the door.


I also heard that there's a guy on the sith home-world who does illegal surgery to reduce your leg size by a few inches so you can fit through the door, on the pricey side though, just message me - I can get you a discount for a small finders fee :)

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There is a work around, 3 choices what i did for my trooper


Either if you have a Charge ability's bring a friend send him inside, duel him and then charge in




Bring a Sage friend with you and have them force pull you in the door




Bring a tank friend duel them and have them pull you inside


(this works for all datacrons like this except the one on Corellia Presence i believe it was i have all datacron but that one, Including the +10 to all)

Edited by Dractus
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