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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Need of greed for items that can be used by companions?


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Hey there,


i was wondering what is the proper etiquette when running a flashpoint and loot that you can use with one of your companions drop


Should i go need? (Even if the item is for a companion and not for my character?)

Should i go greed? (And just hope?)



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In general, you shouldn't Need on items you intend to put on your companion. Unless, of course, the group doesn't mind. Need rolls should be reserved for items you intent to equip as soon as your combat state allows (or relates to your crew skill, as in a schematic).
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If someone needs it, then just pass. You can gear your companions nicely using your old gear, crafting profession, quest rewards, items from vendors and commendation vendors, drops you get when you solo, GTN, etc.


If no one needs a particular item, ask if you can need it for Fluffy. Most people aren't hardcore jerks and won't have an issue with it. It's best if you bring this up at the beginning of the instance, so people can't say they would have needed for their companions too if they'd known.


As long as you're fair and civil, you shouldn't have problems.

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Like the others said, just ask before you do it.


Just use common sense. If something dropped that you need, but some guy who can't use it on his own character rolled need and won the roll over you, then told you it was for his companion, how would you feel?

Edited by Bibdy
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