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How much [attribute] do you have?


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I'm trying to determine where my character is at regarding stats. If you guys are willing to post some of this information I would appreciate it, sadly I am posting this at work and don't have access to my character right now, but when I get home I will post mine.


What I am looking for:

- Level

- Strength

- Endurance

- Accuracy Rating

- Critical Rating

- Surge Rating


The goal is to simply gauge my choices of gear, and whether I am being lazy in obtaining better gear, and not putting enough time into upgrading my gear modifications.



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I'm at work as well and don't remember exact ratings, but this is close:


- Level: 50

- Strength: 1239

- Endurance: 1014

- Accuracy Rating: 97%

- Critical Rating: 23%

- Surge Rating: ?


I'll double check them tonight. This is all pre-operations gear too. I'm just in blues/oranges with some epic mods and augments.

Edited by Talorra
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- Level: 39

- Strength: 724

- Endurance: 829

- Accuracy Rating: 97.71%

- Critical Rating: 18%

- Surge Rating: Dont know how to tell that...



All Orange items with lvl 38-40 mods. PVP'ish sabers.

Edited by Andariiel
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What I am looking for:

- Level 50

- Strength 1302

- Endurance 1332

- Accuracy Rating 99.57%

- Critical Rating 27.02%

- Surge Rating 82.35%


this is from full A22 mobs/armor/enhancement + 1 piece of champion gear and 1 piece of centurion gear

Edited by Darekar
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PvE Attire

- Level 50

- 1330 Strength

- 1259 Endurance

- 167 (95.58%) Accuracy Rating

- 345 (26.45%) Critical Rating

- 254 (82.08%) Surge Rating

- 181 (+41.6 dmg) Power


PvP Attire

- Level 50

- 1230 Strength

- 1241 Endurance

- 234 (97.52%) Accuracy Rating

- 359 (26.04%) Critical Rating

- 166 (74.43%) Surge Rating

- 191 (+43.9 dmg) Power

- 360 (8.03%) Expertise


Note #1: Added Power (to PvE/PvP) and Expertise (PvP) to the listing. Not sure if that was oversight or disinterest.


Note #2: As a Biochem, I always have either +136 STR, +56 PWR (95% of the time in PvE) or +136 END, +56 Defense (95% of the time in PvP) in addition to the above stats.


Note #3: To be honest, I'm not even close to happy where my gear is at right now. On the PvE side of things, I can plainly see I can afford to lose some END in favor of more offensive stats (when fights demand it, I have the pots and will probably carry some END gear) as well as Strength, which I see as far too high. I would like to get my surge to around 95-99% and crit to 30%. I also feel as though Power and Accuracy, at this time, are a complete waste of time in PvE and would like to drop them, even at a 2:1 ratio, for more Surge/Crit. On the PvP side of things, I feel I am sitting just about right, but would gladly give up that Power and some STR for Surge/Crit.


Note to self: make less notes next time.

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