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Assault Specialist, can you tell me about it ?


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Hello, i'm playing a commando Combat Medic but i'm getting bored of it... i'm about to change my spec to assault specialist, would you tell me about it ? how this spec plays ? what about pvp , do you feel underpowered ?


Tell me anything about it, if you please.

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I levelled as AS from 19-41 (Gunnery from 10-19 & 42+.) Of the two, Gunnery has the more dynamic rotation (due to Full-Auto Procs & building Charged Barrel charges.) AS is a much more stagnant rotation of keeping the target burning (Incinerating Shot & Plasma Cell), hitting Full-Auto on cd, Assault Plastique on CD (level 40+) & hitting HIB on CD. Your filler is Charged Shot if you can stand still for the 1.5 sec cast or Hammer Shots if you're on the move.


You have 2 slight mobility advantages over Gunnery. The snare effect from Sweltering Heat on your Plasma Cell dot can be applied on the fly as opposed to Gunnery's Cover Fire (though 2/2 Cover Fire is a 100% chance to slow on FA) making them slower while you're on the move. The other mobility advantage (which is actually an overall DPS advantage for Gunnery) is that Gun gets more Full Autos due to Curtain of Fire procs. That's more standing and channeling but it's also way more facemelting.


In the end, I went back to Gunnery as I prefer the (slightly) more dynamic shot rotation and faster facemelting.


EDIT: Sorry, skipped your last question. I don't feel underpowered in pvp or pve as either AS or Gun spec, though I do feel more powerful as Gun.

Edited by Tren
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I feel like Assault can't even compare to the damage done by Gunnery, sure you have more mobility as Assault, but why run around when you can just out dps someone?


I'd much rather play Assault but the lack of any controlled burst or any burst at all makes me play Gunnery.

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ty for all the info



Well it seems gunnery is better all around, I'll do a lot of dmg at pvp and pve as well, thats good. I might change to that then.


Mobility is very good in pvp, but dmg burst is better imo, specially when you are a ranged class.


But i'm still not sure....

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