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Why did Bioware choose the hero engine?


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Here's the real reason they used Hero:


The development tools rock.


In most other game engines, including WoW's, developers work pretty much in isolation from each other. When they make changes to a zone, those changes aren't propagated through until there's a nightly build of the entire game. So if a developer changes something, it can have ramifications throughout the zone that other developers have to deal with.


Hero engine has a collaborative, realtime, web-based zone development environment. They can have multiple people working on a zone at a time, and they all see the changes as they're made.


I think the zones are generally extremely well done. If those development tools were a help to get them to this state, then I'm all for it.


Admittedly, Unreal-based games run very smoothly. But I don't think it's an engine that's great for developing an MMO, from what I've read.


Great post, this is my understanding of the situation too. The info is easily available out there, but trolls will be trolls ...


I think the zones are extraordinarily well-integrated and "flow" very well indeed. Sure they're linear, but for that very reason, they have a sort of trance-inducing flow to them. That could be considered bad (less exploration) but then again the bigger worlds do have more room to explore in too.


And yeah, I've had a couple of bad experiences with Unreal-based MMOs. Most notably Vanguard and Mortal Online. OTOH, DCUO runs like a dream most of the time, although when it comes to the combat it can be a bit "sticky" sometimes.


My (layman's) understanding is that the MMO version of Unreal comes with a network layer that sucks, so developers who have the money and know-how like SoE, are able to strip it out and put in their own, but developers who have neither money (Mortal Online) or know-how (Vanguard) can make a right dog's dinner out of it.

Edited by gurugeorge
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