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Merc Arsenal Spec: Target Tracking?


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Hello fellow Bounty Hunters, I'm about to hit 40 tonight and I'm wondering about my Arsenal tree points.


Here's what my current tree will look like at 40: My Arsenal Spec



I'd love to hear some on the talent that I skipped over, Target Tracking.

Increases the critical bonus damage of Unload and Heatseeker Missiles by [15 / 30]%.


I mostly play PvE, but I do play some PvP and really enjoy it (thus the Afterburner points for interrupt). I'd like to hear people's opinions on if I should change it around to include 2 points in Heatseeker or not, and if so - where from?



My only thoughts are on the higher Pinning Fire talents

Unload has a [50 / 100]% chance per hit to slow the target's movement by 50% for 2 seconds.

perhaps this could be the one I remove 2 points from. It doesn't do much for PvE, but I feel it's the only way to slow people from range I have in PvP so I'm very torn.


Please give me your opinions on the points. I know I could put another 2 points in the tree after 40, but my question is mostly for the moment (and ideally I'd like to do 10/31/0 build in the end).


Thanks, and happy hunting!

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In my opinion you shouldn't give up Target Tracking, because the bonus DPS is pretty big (especially when you start wearing lvl50 gear with proper mods, you're going to crit very often).


Pinning Fire is indeed mostly a PvP bonus and most often the difference is barely notieable due to other classes having speed buffs, gap closers etc and also because we have to stand still while unloading.. if you really don't like it, I'd put those two points into Target Tracking.


Another thing you could do is to temporarily remove 2 points, 1 from Power Overrides and 1 from Kolto Vents.

You can always get them back later on,

In my opinion the reduced cooldown on Concussion Missile and Thermal Overrides is quite useful, but you could get away with only half bonus till you're higher level.

And Kolto Vents.. it isn't a bad skill per se, but i has 2 flaws:

1)It's only 7% health "heal" and it takes 10 seconds to get that 7% back. It will help, but it's hardly a life saver.

2)It is tied to vent heat, which means you will often end up not getting any benefit out of it because you're using vent heat to simply lower your heat level, or, even worse, you will waste vent heat to heal up some damage even though your heat level is low.

Like I said, it's not an awful skill, but some people might prefer to invest their points in something else.


Those are just my takes and mostly from a PvP point of view.

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Another thing you could do is to temporarily remove 2 points, 1 from Power Overrides and 1 from Kolto Vents.

You can always get them back later on,

In my opinion the reduced cooldown on Concussion Missile and Thermal Overrides is quite useful, but you could get away with only half bonus till you're higher level.

And Kolto Vents.. it isn't a bad skill per se, but i has 2 flaws:

1)It's only 7% health "heal" and it takes 10 seconds to get that 7% back. It will help, but it's hardly a life saver.

2)It is tied to vent heat, which means you will often end up not getting any benefit out of it because you're using vent heat to simply lower your heat level, or, even worse, you will waste vent heat to heal up some damage even though your heat level is low.

Like I said, it's not an awful skill, but some people might prefer to invest their points in something else.


Wow, I really love this suggestion! You are correct about Kolto Vents, it's not enough to mitigate 1 average attack in PvP. I often either waste it like you said being at full health, or if I need it for the health aspect I often will be trying to use it but can not due to being 0 heat! I will definitely drop that one.


I think for now like you said I'll drop 1 from Thermal Override too, but I'll have to figure out where to permanently drop that (if somewhere else) later as I do want 10 in Bodygaurd.


Thanks for the great suggestion!

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