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NPC's Spam Healing??


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Is there any way to stop prolonged battles with NPC's that spam heal beside out damaging their spam heal. Most of the time I am fighting silly healing mobs they spend so much time healing themselves that I am at full strenght after the battle but just have one little electrocute to intrupt their cast time. Am I missing something? I don't care to crush the server but would like to shorten meaningless battles. Edited by jackalious
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I'm only level 25 so not there yet but on tatooine I have found some boss fights are just simple put silly. First they will lead off with an attack that I will interupt. Sorry about my spelling getting tired. Anyways they will lead with an attack then heal. With my heat issues I will have to use vent about 1/4 of the way into combat. then it is just waiting on my cool down for electricity to build up. Only then will I lead into using it to block their heals. so I only have one block to there heals so they can use it without me blocking it. As an assassin I had three by level 25. So it is more of a duel but without the damage.
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ON healing mobs, you need to use your interupts if you want to kill them fast...you should have 3 on tatooine-guessing at their names i'm at work- the jet punch one, the electro dart, and the other boost one that throws multiple enemies back...back them up to something so you dont have to chase them around. By the way I think they did a great job by putting the heal spamming npc's in the game...it teaches ppl to use interrupts. Also I see alot of aoe from npc's, which teaches ppl to stay out of the fire/target area. It's rare that a game is made with the forethought to teach the players how to not be baddies.(thats not directed at you, op) Good job peoples!





Edit: I'm assuming you're a merc, if not, my bad. I don't have a powertech so I dont know if they get the same interupts...

Edited by Murderous
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Electro Dart doesn't work on bosses. It doesn't stop their timer. It does work on junk mobs.


Now if they would just teach my companion to get out of AOE damage.


I'm not saying that its not a good thing it is in there but I am just trying to find out what stops them. I didn't know that I had three. I will have to experiment.


I don't like using the punch because I am using pistols not a sword so I really don't want to get up close and personal.


Also I have to learn kiting not just trying to stand toe to toe. Eveytime I try it says that I need to be facing them perhaps i just need to push my camera back instead of first person so I can use the Q&E buttons you would think that you could skirt around them.


I think that is why I like bounty hunter so much.

Edited by jackalious
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