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Vette Romance Question


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very very small spoiler


I know questions of the sort have been asked a million times, but its tough to find a case that matches mine.

with vette i currently have over 9k affection


i am level 29 and currently on alderan.


i completed the star of ryolith quest, and have noticed that most people choose to flirt with vette's lady friend during the quest. i did not.


i am dark 2


my question is: have i done something wrong? vette has offered no new quests, and only a few flirt options in dialogue, is the flirting with her friend a necessity? or do i merely need to advance in the game more?


answer appreciated thanks.

Edited by Silvereous
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*sigh* How many times do I have to post this? Advance either your storyline or increasing your companion's affection are always the answer to a companion not giving new dialogue unless you have the the Kira bug(which should be fixed soon) or you have had their capstone conversation(in which case there are no more conversations). I'm betting in your case you need to hit Act 2 before the next dialogue comes up. Act 2 after you finish the events that come after finishing Alderaan and Tatooine.
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