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How to buy PVP gear?


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So I just hit 50 and am hitting up the PVP scene. I did a bunch of WF's for an evening and did alright... I primarily healed ended up with 450 Warzone points... I'm also pretty sure that 450 isn't too much.


So afterwords I went to the fleet to see what, if anything I could buy and how much things were to start planning on how I wanted to gear up. Now the only thing that I can find to spend that on is some crappy lvl 40 gear with no expertise.


The centurian and battlemaster gear is really what I want to focus on getting, however I have no clue how to get the tokens or marks, or whatever they are called here.


Anyone mind filling me in?

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Aye. I could swear there's a blue 50 set but anyways, you buy....I wanna say they're called Champion Bags...or boxes...or something...they cost 200 mercenary commendations and 200 warzone commendations. For now there are very few sources of mercenary commendations(1.1 will change that). So you'll need to convert warzone commendations into mercenary commendations at a rate of 30:10, so for one bag/box it's 800 warzone commendations. These bags/boxes get you either 3 centurion commendations or 1 centurion commendation and 1 piece of random champion gear token. These are bought from the npc next to the daily quest terminal in the pvp rewards area.
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