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How Do I Defeat Lord Vivicar?


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Being unable to search these posts I make this stab in the dark.


In two previous Beta incarnations I have been utterly unable to even faze Lord Vivicar before he hits me with something out of the blue that instantly takes me out. How do I defeat that? what does ne use against me that takes out ALL my health in one fell blow? How do I defend against that? :mad:

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I was actually surprised at how easy he was to defeat. Other then his 1 shot you ability, which is on a timer equal to your ability to disrupt it, he was really easy to defeat. In fact once I figured out the ability that you had to stop ((it's an incredibly long cast time that should be a huge hint that it's not something you want to have go off)) he just didn't really dent me after that. I even used Fess and not my healing companion.
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