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Sith Master - Apprentice RPing (The Progenitor Server)


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Hello everyone out there, I would like to know if there are any Heavy-RPers out there that wish to start over (or just joined and want to get one of this class as their main) as a Sith Warrior (preferable) or Inquisitor, for a RPing event where i need a few lvl 1-10 to help me out, once i get a partner that wishes to RP with me based on this idea. First of all i need that partner, after that I'll choose a date, hour and place on Korriban for the "apprentice trials" to begin.


I'm a lvl 35 Sith Juggernaut (named Luciuss in-game and ICly) at the moment, on the server The Progenitor. I wish to find a person that loves and will be dedicated to RPing and to the rules of RPing, i wish to take this long-term scene to a next level of RPing, no infinite running around (people get exausted from running, you know?) no GMing, no meta-gaming, no nothing, just decent and Heavy-Roleplay.


It doesn't matter what age you are, where you are from or your gender, as long as you speak english fluently (not perfect... i'm not perfect either, but i'm understandable at least xD) and you really want to do this because you like it. I don't want anyone to feel like it's an obligation to RP with me or anything like that... if you wish to do it, you do it and that's it.


So, to continue what i was saying, i wish someone who wants to RP from the very beggining, until you leave Swtor. I will help the respective person at lvling, dungeons, quests etc. But everything will be in a Roleplaying way, so most of what we do in quests and dungeons will be considered IC (In-Character) so that means that we will have a RP + PvE type. We will not use companions, we will not use quick travel and as i've said before, we will not run endlessly, most of the moments when we run, it will be combat, other than that, just walking (until you get the speeder) and one of the most important things, we will defy a little the game mechanics (for example, if we see a rancor or something giant, we will not just rush in there because we see that his level is "x" and we can win the combat, we will make it as much realistic as we can). So that means that everything the both of us will do together, will be considered IC (but of course, you can lvl up OOCly as well if one of us doesn't feel in the mood to RP, but i really wish someone who is dedicated to my idea and has the patience to RP like this.)


If anyone wants more information about this, just contact me on Luciuss (The Progenitor) and i can explain you better if you didn't understood something.

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This sounds really fun, I've got a 25 Sorcerer on Luka Sene (PVE server) but I joined there because of my mate but I missed RP so I made a Jedi Knight (lvl 5 now) on The Progenitor, looked around and found this and am willing to make a new sith on this server, your idea looks to be extremely cool.


So all I'm asking is do you have any race/gender preferences, I'd like to make a warrior now since I already have an inquisitor. Or we can even try something with Bounty Hunter - a different approach.


Also, are we talking about EU? I'd be disappointed if you are in US :(

Edited by HenTz
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Hello there, well no, i'm not on the USA servers, every server has a specific name, doesn't matter the region (i recently found out as well -blushes-) I'm on The Progenitor EU.

Now to answer your questions. No, i don't have any gender / appearance preference, you choose what you like and you will play as you like. If we see that our RPing together works out, we will do it, if not, neither of us should be mad/angry at each other for admitting that we don't do so well... :D

You could make either a Sith Warrior / Inquisitor i do not mind. Playing with a bounty hunter would be great as well, but i don't wish to have a BH of my own yet, maybe later when i finally get an apprentice and see if the RPing is alright, i'll start to expand the people who i RP with and the difference of the classes.

Apart from this, I'll just ask you to drop me a PM or send me a mail in-game (on the character Luciuss) and i'll arrange a meeting and i'll even ask my guildmates to help me with a little event that i have planned. (First i wish to see if you know how to RP and adapt to the subjects, so can have a few random RPing just for the test, i don't wish a master in RPing... i'm not that good either, but i don't wish to have surprises like... "-bows before him and lols at him-" true story... it happened to me xD

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