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Force Alignment and Companions


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I don't think this fits anywhere else so I am going to put it here and let the flame wars start since I am certainly not at max level.


I'll start by saying I know most of the male community around this game (perhaps some females as well, but most fellow dudes) are screaming about same gender romance options not being in the game from the start, and that's cool if it is their thing.


For me, (praying a dev sees this) I'd rather know if there are plans to have companions who are altered in joining your crew by your force alignment?


I'll say again, this is only a question because I got through chapter 1 on a sith warrior character and I thought it was beyond cool how it worked out and the companion was changed by my force alignment and not just in response to mission dialogue.


I know force alignment is, right now, pretty much for gear only but I think it would add real flavor into how one played their character knowing that, for instance, sweet little Mako would turn into a greedy cynical killer because you keep taking her down dark and darker roads or Kaliyo turned into a teddy bear for seeing how much power you could amass with out having to screw everyone over.


Please, someone tell me there are plans for something like this!!! That soon everyone going all Dark on the Republic will drag at least one companion down into the dark morass with them or Light on the Imperial Side will elevate one galaxy weary crew mate to believe there is good in the world again... please?

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