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Balance Shadow Focus?


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Wondering if it is ever viable to throw a focus in the offhand versus a shield as a balance shadow. Probably a silly question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. Are the stats significantly different between the two items? If not, would there ever be a good reason to use a focus over a shield? From what I can tell, no, but maybe I'm missing something big and I'm about to feel very silly.


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You should never be using a shield as balance.


Your shield will never proc =)


Hmm ... there are some occasions in PVE where I'd use a shield and go combat technique (even if I'm specced into balance); i.e., when I'm soloing heroics, going up vs champions.


Outside of combat technique though, yes, you are FAR better off using a focus in your offhand. ( Not to mention that you won't drive yourself nuts trying to find +end/will focii as you probably did for shields. :p )

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Thanks for the replies! I was going a little bit nuts trying to get this answered. Now I'll admit that a month ago when I started out as KC, I had a Focus in my offhand because I looked up what my skill proficiency was, and it said Focus... boy did I feel stupid in my first group when they asked me why I wasn't using a shield.


But as far as pvp goes, I am almost always in Combat stance, because hey, I like getting 7-9 medals every match. I was just wondering in FPs and such when I am just dpsing... I assume it's because a Focus always has extra offensive stat points? I just haven't really seen enough items in game yet to compare, so sorry once again if this was a silly question.

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From what I can remember of the initial equipment set you get when you change to the Shadow AC, yes, the focus has more in the way of stats that help you with your offense.


I can only assume that this difference would only increase when your gear level increases; frankly, I find finding shadow-usable shields a pain in the arse.


On that note, I really hope that they'd add craftable end / will shield schematics for Artifice in a content patch.

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