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The new planet Denova - doesnt appear on Star Wars Wiki


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Hi everyone ,


Nice thread , but on the subject of new stuff (or maybe excisting stuff not sure ) Does anyone here know anything about the Vesla System????

First time i "ran" into it was in the prequal comics from Darkhorse : The Lost Suns.

If you haven't read this i won't spoil it for you , but in it the main protagonist travels to this star system , and there is mention of evil sith tech.


Did anyone read anything about the fact if we'll be able to travel here in the war ? (and yes if you Rep's have something like this enjoy it =) ((until we come to take it away from you that is FOR THE EMPIRE !!!!!)


Thanks if you can help me with this ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
this is back up... and stall no one believes that Wookieepedia is not the defined source of everything SW? that in fact it can and do's lie?? as any one can put anything in that web sight.. so I add Denova and say it the world Vaseline comes form, owy
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Lol @ people who worship a wiki like an all knowing being...serious...wiki is useless...why give a damn if bioware MAKES (aka new content) a new planet in Star Wars....do you know how many worlds, etc probably aren't mentioned from all the comic books over the decades?
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Lol @ people who worship a wiki like an all knowing being...serious...wiki is useless...why give a damn if bioware MAKES (aka new content) a new planet in Star Wars....do you know how many worlds, etc probably aren't mentioned from all the comic books over the decades?

Wiki's only as useless as the people contributing to it. Those posting "Denova is the meaning of Vaseline" of whatever, those are idiots. Luckily there are enough fans out there who tend to correct the idiocy added to various Wiki articles.


It's not an infallible source, but it's the go-to resource, trying to collect and collate all the varied & contradictory info from printed 'Essential Guides' and comics, books, games, SW Insider articles, etc...


That said, if your point about Denova being invented is that the comics (and books, etc) have tons of planets BW COULD have used instead--well, why? Why NOT invent a new world for the galaxy? The galaxy is ENORMOUS. Tatooine isn't the only desert world, Hoth's not the only ice world, why not add more, especially so the galaxy will seem LARGER. In this game, we're already visiting Coruscant, Alderaan (okay that part's cool to see), Tatooine, Hoth, Ord Mantell, Nar Shaddaa, Taris... all planets we've known and/or visited in the past. There's nothing wrong with Denova being 'invented'. Nar Shaddaa was 'invented' once upon a time. Coruscant was once known as Alderaan, then as Imperial Center, until Zahn named it in '91. New stuff being added to the GFFA happens all the time in the various mediums Star Wars is represented in; why NOT create more new planets for the next patch?


Not that I'd mind seeing some of the more obscure EU planets (and any appropriate species) make an appearance in a content patch and/or expansion, of course.

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