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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sad to say this but. .


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I have just cancelled my Subscription. I'm sure some of you don't want to hear this, If you don't then stop reading now. However if you are interested in my opinion then feel free to read on.


I am and have been a game player for a very long time. I had an Atari 1040STe when they were brand new. I learned a little bit of programming in Basic but never went further than that, I always preferred playing the games to making them. When I was going through High School Games programming and the games industry never had any sort of formal entry system not like today, if it had I may have given it a shot however I became an Architect something else close to my heart.


Now over the years I have seen games progress from the simple 2D platform game to the in depth 3D first person game play we get today. Over that progression and perhaps because of it my expectations of a game have risen, so have the number of bugs that I notice in a game. I have for many years tried to get involved in testing for many games and I am now considering switching profession to QA tester.


As far as I am concerned a game should never go gold if there are too many game breaking bugs in it. This is the main reason why I'm leaving. I do not enjoy playing SW:TOR because of the amount of annoying bugs there are in the game as well as the amount of game breaking and spoiling bugs there are. Do not get me wrong perhaps if I didn't have such a critical eye I might still be subscribing, the game looks amazing and can at times be fun to play but the issues I see do detract from the game a lot:



  • I have no wish to go through a 2 or 3 hr Flash point, complete it but can not hand it in as the point at the end of the mission isn't active because someone else half way through that mission offered to share another mission with me that just happened to include the mission I was already on! Ending the other mission then cancels off all progress you maid in that mission and makes you totally unable to complete that mission therefore wasting 2 to 3 hrs of your life doing nothing!
  • I'd rather not be in the middle of a fight and realise that the only buttons I can use are on my keyboard as I am now unable to click any of the ones on the side bars or bottom of the screen meaning that I may not be able to fully respond in that fight. Pressing Ctrl + U to turn of the UI then again to turn it back on fixes the situation but this isn't something you can do easily in the middle of a fight.
  • I'd rather not buy expensive items from a vendor by mistakenly ctrl + R Clicking the item when I wanted to Ctrl + L Click it to view it! THERE SHOULD BE ONLY ONE PROCESS FOR KEY COMBINATIONS AT A VENDOR!
  • When in PvP I shouldn't need to re-arrange my side bars to avoid using the top of the sidebars due to poor positioning of the PvP interface.
  • Why do I have to select sprint? Shouldn't that be something that is passive?



my list can go on and on and the ones I've mentioned above are not the biggest but certainly niggle at me every time I play. This along with thousands of environmental glitches and issues that make this game look as though it was never tested at all.


Like the Jedi Lvl10 cut scene that doesn't have a Jedi Consoler in it even though she is talking or the invisible mobs on Tatooine.


Just exactly what were the closed beta testers testing in the year they had access?


I have friends who play and love this game and overlook the bugs that annoy me on a daily basis, I love the Star Wars IP. I hate the fact this it has been sullied by this game.


I've played games with a lot more bugs than this but they were never on a subscription basis and thats where this game also burns. Too many bugs for a subscription model on a game that is no where near completion.


So I suppose I shall let you all respond with the usual forum response of KTHXBYE! and CAN I HAZ UR STUFF PLZ! Again another flaw of modern day gaming!

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Sad to see people leave. I myself am allowing a grace period to see some major fixes before I pass final judgement on a subscription. So far I enjoy it, but there are some glaring issues that must be addressed soon. Hope to see you come back someday when patches have fixed a lot of key issues. Edited by bsmolke
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  • Why do I have to select sprint? Shouldn't that be something that is passive?

With respect, I hope that this is never made into a passive skill. I think it should be on unless toggled off and off unless toggled on but I like being able to turn it off.

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At least you got to play.....there are still a lot of us out there that never logged a single minute of game time due to game launching errors. 2-emails to customer support sent, one 45-minute long phone call on hold the entire time and I still haven't played a single minute.


I updated my vdeo and audio drivers, basically doing EVERYTHING on the customer support checklist. And still no go. And no word from customer support at all yet. I have no clue what to do $60 down the drain, cancelled my subscription as well. Maybe in 6 months to a year, when they actually should have released the game, these bugs might be fixed.


Just be aware some of us STILL haven't even got to play.

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Agree with the threadmaker totally. This game is full of annoying bugs that brings me another cm closer to the cancel subscription button each time I find one.

Also the Customer "Service" is totally broken. They dont give a **** about us and just ignores us totally. Worst customer service I've ever experienced in my whole gaming life.

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I too will be leaving for these exact same reasons. Any many more too. The game is just too frustrating with bad AI programing, bugs, and a TON of UI errors and the lack of UI customization. If bioware fixes the UI (including allowing for customiezed items), creates a decent LFG so I can find help with heroics and flashpoints, and fixes all of the freaking annoying quest bugs, then I would continue. Maybe I'll play again in another year or so when it's fixed, if it stays that long. Bioware should have not released this game until IT WAS DONE, even if it took until say summer of 2012. I really would have waited. but to release this game with this many technical problems and issues is rediculous. When you are competing against games like EVE, WOW, LOTRO, D&D, etc. you can't release a buggy game. It has to be rock solid from the get go. I understand SMALL bugs here and there, but crashes, server drops, heavy server down time for maintenance, buggy quests, a clunky UI that has no macros or customizations, no AA video, etc. all go to add up to a big failure.



Edited by danielcpryor
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In about 10 minutes this thread will be locked like the last thread reagrding the poor quality of game/customer service.


To the GM's, spend less time locking threads and copy pasting replies and more time replying to people about the issues.


maybe you would see less of these 'canceled' type threads.

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In about 10 minutes this thread will be locked like the last thread reagrding the poor quality of game/customer service.


To the GM's, spend less time locking threads and copy pasting replies and more time replying to people about the issues.


maybe you would see less of these 'canceled' type threads.


2nd to that..

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Hello everyone,


We appreciate the time and effort you put into creating this thread, but will be closing it as there is no constructive discussion about specific game-related features or systems to be had. Should you wish to contribute something helpful we encourage you to take a look at a couple of threads the community is using to do just that! Bug and suggestion made by the community are being looked at regularly and provide a fantastic outlet for you to let us know what we can do to improve the game in a constructive manner.


While we absolutely welcome constructive feedback regarding the game, we’ve seen many threads recently that are not constructive or helpful. We encourage you to share ideas about what you’d like to see in the game, but will not permit discussions that do not have any constructive suggestions or content, or those that are made solely to trash the game or community or offer no topic for discussion. Our developers and the Community Team are always reading the forums and gathering your feedback, but constructive criticism is much more useful to us than posts that have no explanations or details and suggestions.


Constructive, well-reasoned feedback that offers specific suggestions about what you as players would like to see is extremely useful to us, and we’d like to see more feedback of this nature.


We will be closing this thread but encourage you to participate in the others. This allows us to keep the forums tidy and the community compilation discussions together where we can regularly check in and you may all participate in a collective discussion on those topics.

Edited by Averran
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