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Gray Paladins?


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Greetings to all. This is my first post, but I did have a bit of a question. Now, I do know that Gray Paladins are still thousands of years away. What I was wondering is if something like them happened to be logical, in this time frame. Would it be plausable for there to be a Force Sensitive--I think is the proper word for it--who simply allows their own skills to be center stage, while allowing the Force to "Flow through them, naturally"? In other words, if I wished to have a non-Jedi be a Force Sensitive, who simply does not believe in an active use of the Force...would that fit, at all?


So I suppose a lone person who thinks as a Gray Paladin would, long before they existed. Would this be too much of a stretch? I simply felt that a Mirialan who focuses on using their skills with blaster rifles and such, while still feeling that the Force is an important part of all life, and even meditating and such, would be rather fitting.


I just wishes to see what was thought of this. My thanks and I wish everyone a lovely day.

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Well to be frank, the Grey Paladins would technically be included in the category of 'Grey Jedi' and Grey Jedi show up numerous times in Star Wars lore.


Take the Jedi Exile, or Jolee Bindo, or thousands of years from now, the Jensaarai. All were force users who were not either wholly Sith nor were they wholly Jedi. To have a force user with views such as you described would not be unusual.

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Would they truly count as "Jedi" though? They do not believe in any direct use of the Force, and once they came about, the Jedi Order out-right scoffed at their beliefs. Would there be a name for someone, as I described, in an era long before Gray Paladins, but who are, by all accounts, not Jedi?
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