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Lack of cooldowns and power / force pool


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Bioware, before I say anything I'd just like to point out that I'm all for having a measure of challenge in encounters, but please try to make them a little bit fair at least.


Lack of cooldowns and any kind of limitation on force / power bar is a bit on the ridiculous.


For instance, there are a pair of "healer" mobs together on Ilum, now some classes have a form of "daze" ability that essentially takes the mob out of the fight for a sufficient amount of time (e.g. sorcs "Whirlwind"), meaning that the player can focus on the other "healer". However, not all classes have such an ability. Some classes CC abilities only last a matter of seconds.


But regardless of whether or not a class has better CC abilities than others, if a mob isn't dazed then they are spamming their abilities without any limitations being enforced on them. Unlike the players who have to wait for their CD's to end.


Thus get two "healer" type mobs together, and the fight becomes so much harder. And that's BEFORE you consider what CC abiliites a class has.


Like I said, I'm all for having challenge in an encounter, but there needs to be a certain degree of fairness to it.


And no, this isn't a case of "learn 2 play noob!", this is a case of an encounter "cheating" in order to beat the player or create a measure of "challenge" which could have been created by other, fairer, means.

Edited by Tarka
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Yep, I agree. There are some mobs that CC your companion (for 15 seconds or so). I dispel it off of him and the mob just immediately reapplies the CC. A crowd control ability with no cooldown? Give me a break.


Yep, this one issue makes some of the encounters REALLY difficult to deal with. Thanaton's Padawan (Sorc class mission) and the Avatar of Sel-Kor (or whatever its called) on Voss are two that spring to mind. In both cases, the mobs just spam attacks on you.

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... But LERN 2 PLAY N00B!!! lol :D


I kid, but the enemies spamming their skills and making it a MUCH tougher fight than it has to be is NO laughing matter. Now, I have only seen a little bit of it as I am more of a casualcore player and not a hardcore "I have 5 50s already" kind of player, my highest would be a 23 Sith on Balmorra, and that is mostly cause I alt around a lot. Back to the topic at hand, no cooldowns on enemy skills can be a game breaker, just cause I haven't seen much of it doesn't mean I can't take some more experienced players word for it, it needs to be fixed ASAP.


Actually I think the enemies are based off the player models, so some of the skills that players have little to no cooldown on, the enemies probably have similar skills that have little or no cooldown. Now, while I see this as trying to make enemies as challenging as fighting other players, in some situations, it actually makes these enemies damn near impossible to beat... That I think is a fatal flaw...

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Yep, this one issue makes some of the encounters REALLY difficult to deal with. Thanaton's Padawan (Sorc class mission) and the Avatar of Sel-Kor (or whatever its called) on Voss are two that spring to mind. In both cases, the mobs just spam attacks on you.


Don't forget about the Trooper mission to go into the Separatist base and download some info off their computers, the one where you first come in contact with the Imperials as a Trooper... there are some imperial officers that, while they don't heal or spam CC attacks, are damn near impossible to beat, as it feels like you are fighting Elite mobs that have been scaled back to Strong type, they hit like a ten ton truck and you don't have a companion yet to help you...

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Just done some testing, noticed that players heals are not affected by ANY cooldown (assuming they haven't been interrupted in any way). The only time sink is the actual cast time. This means that players and npc's alike can in effect "spam heal".


Now whilst someone could argue therefore that it is "fair" on some level, I don't think it's the best choice of design. Especially when you get two of the sods together and/or the class has little in the way of interuppting the npc's spamming.

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