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Power Shot or no as Arsenal?


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At first I thought after getting Tracers I would still use powershot because a ton of our talents have power shot in them. Well, I looked at it again and every talent that effects Power Shot also effects Tracers. So does power shot go bye bye once we get tracers? Also, I know their our guides on boss rotations and strategy but what about aoe? 3 mob pulls or 5 mob pulls? Do we even use the channeled fire or blaster skill? Explosive dart or missile blast?
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At first I thought after getting Tracers I would still use powershot because a ton of our talents have power shot in them. Well, I looked at it again and every talent that effects Power Shot also effects Tracers. So does power shot go bye bye once we get tracers? Also, I know their our guides on boss rotations and strategy but what about aoe? 3 mob pulls or 5 mob pulls? Do we even use the channeled fire or blaster skill? Explosive dart or missile blast?


Its not a bad idea to keep on your bars in case you get locked out of Tracer Missile from an interrupt but even though Tracer is slightly less dmg you still want to use it over Power Shot otherwise because of the vented heat from crits and buffed damage to your rail shots.

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Its not a bad idea to keep on your bars in case you get locked out of Tracer Missile from an interrupt but even though Tracer is slightly less dmg you still want to use it over Power Shot otherwise because of the vented heat from crits and buffed damage to your rail shots.


If you're Arsenal, don't use Power Shot unless they quell your Tracer Missile or you feel like baiting a Quell/interrupt.

And even then, I prefer to use other abilities if they're up or I've a proc ready (unload, tracer etc).

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Yeah I keep it on the bar and on the tip it says it hits a tiny bit harder and it has same heat and casting cost/time I think, but every talent that effects power shot effects tracers but there are like 2 talents that effect tracers and not power shot.
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What do we use for pve aoe rotation? Is missile blast or whatever it is called, the first attack we get that is a missile and first attack we get that effects more then 1 person worth using in pve, pvp, ever? Kinda seems like a lot of heat for such a weak aoe and only 1 talent effects it. Basicly wondering what to do when people are grouped up in pve and pvp? In pvp should I aoe grouped people or just pick people apart that seem like prime targets?
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What do we use for pve aoe rotation? Is missile blast or whatever it is called, the first attack we get that is a missile and first attack we get that effects more then 1 person worth using in pve, pvp, ever? Kinda seems like a lot of heat for such a weak aoe and only 1 talent effects it. Basicly wondering what to do when people are grouped up in pve and pvp? In pvp should I aoe grouped people or just pick people apart that seem like prime targets?


I mostly just use Dart, Fusion, and Death From Above mixing in Sweeping Blasters as heat ticks back down while just using Rapid Shots after unloading alot of AoE. Anything more than that and your heat won't be able to take it.


Honestly theres very few things in the game that you will be AoEing hard that won't be in a world of hurt just after the first combo of Dart + Fusion + Death.


If you don't manage it and let your heat build up above 50 once again, you will find yourself becoming very useless very fast. Better to unload a bunch of AoE, then rapid shots down while your dart and fusions come back up.

Edited by Lightmgl
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In my opinion missile blast is almost useless, I'd only use it as a Pyro to finish off someone in PvP if I need an instacast and rail shot wasn't available, or to interrupt come rebels that were capturing a turret or something in the Arena.

Other than that, there's not much use for it.. you should keep it on the bar (or one of the extra bars) if you have room, but it has no place in our rotation.

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