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Color Crystal Limitations - What gives?


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OK I am not be an extreme SW maniac but it is my understanding that a) the crystals themselves have no difference for light/dark it is just that red was limited to Korriban and a smattering of other places (there have also been Jedi that wielded red sabers) and b) blasters etc don't use crystals iirc. Laser/Turbolaser colors are determined by the gas used. The first time non red blasters were shown was in the new episodes with no real explaination.


So they why are color crystals restricted by "light/dark" choices when they are a technical component (especially with non force using classes) of a weapon based on the wielders choice (in the case of lightsabers). It is really annoying that I cannot play my character in the way I wish due to a non cannon gimmick (for reference I am a "darkside" commando due to character RP choices, but yet I am limited to red/orange/yellow when my rp wants green/blue).


Any feedback by Bioware on why they used such a gimmick would be wonderful as well as feedback by other players frustrated with this issue.

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There have been many threads about this.


I agree it is stupid. Lore wise it makes absolutely zero sense. They didn't do this in KOTOR 1 or 2 anyways. Why now?


I think this is the only game where you are restricted like this.

Edited by Oappo
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First of all it does fit the lore. George Lucas even said himself that Sith use Red and Red alone because it is a relious thing with them. I Dark aligned Sith with a Blue Lightsaber is just plain stupid. Lucas never intended it this way.


Read up on the lore man

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There have been many threads about this.


I agree it is stupid. Lore wise it makes absolutely zero sense. They didn't do this in KOTOR 1 or 2 anyways. Why now?


I think this is the only game where you are restricted like this.


This. And I agree. Perhaps one day BW will see reason...until then, we'll just have to put up with asinine restrictions.

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First of all it does fit the lore. George Lucas even said himself that Sith use Red and Red alone because it is a relious thing with them. I Dark aligned Sith with a Blue Lightsaber is just plain stupid. Lucas never intended it this way.


Read up on the lore man


Light side Sith can't use red, therefore the logic isn't really represented in the game with the current restrictions. The restrictions also apply to blaster non-force users, where in the lore the republic has normally used red blasters and empire green. What you say sounds like it should make sense, but it isn't actually supported in any Star Wars lore other than the babbling gibberish of George Lucas. Trust me, the people he worked with made his original idea work well, the prequels are bad because he had too much control.


BW removed the other colors that were available in the game and made them grinding rewards, so don't expect an expanded number of colors available for you to choose from. It's your limited selection based on faction plus one or two if you get really lucky. It sucks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
First of all it does fit the lore. George Lucas even said himself that Sith use Red and Red alone because it is a relious thing with them. I Dark aligned Sith with a Blue Lightsaber is just plain stupid. Lucas never intended it this way.


Read up on the lore man


Knights of the Old Republic (comics): Exar Kun was the first person to create a double bladed lightsaber. And the crystals were not red, but blue. Ulic Qel-Droma continued to use his blue lightsaber after he fell to the darkside.


A'Sharrad Hett (comics): Used two red lightsabers long before his fall to the darkside. Only changed to green later because of pressure from Lucas to distinguish the Jedi and Sith.


Mace Windu (movies): Used a purple lightsaber. In game only sith are (currently) able to obtain this color crystal. This may change later, but for now and for leveling, it's non-existant.


Those are just ones off the top of my head that break game design ATM. I'm also not a fan that stats are assigned to the crystals in such a way that if you just want to have, say, a green saber and the best stats make you use a blue/black one it's really not all that fun. I'd rather have the ability as Artifice (at least) to alter those colors to my liking. Call it a profession perk.

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First of all it does fit the lore. George Lucas even said himself that Sith use Red and Red alone because it is a relious thing with them. I Dark aligned Sith with a Blue Lightsaber is just plain stupid. Lucas never intended it this way.


Read up on the lore man


I suggest you read up on the lore as well.


Adi Gallia was a Jedi Master who had a red lightsaver.Darth Bane had a purple, in Darth Bane: Path of Destruction it's confirmed the red curved lightsaver is actually a purple one.

Exar Kun also used a double-bladed blue lightsaber. Depa Billaba another Jedi Master who even mastered the Vaapad form used a red lightsaber.


I know there is some reason Sith prefer red crystals but I believe its all choice.

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OK I am not be an extreme SW maniac but it is my understanding that a) the crystals themselves have no difference for light/dark it is just that red was limited to Korriban and a smattering of other places (there have also been Jedi that wielded red sabers) and b) blasters etc don't use crystals iirc. Laser/Turbolaser colors are determined by the gas used. The first time non red blasters were shown was in the new episodes with no real explaination.


So they why are color crystals restricted by "light/dark" choices when they are a technical component (especially with non force using classes) of a weapon based on the wielders choice (in the case of lightsabers). It is really annoying that I cannot play my character in the way I wish due to a non cannon gimmick (for reference I am a "darkside" commando due to character RP choices, but yet I am limited to red/orange/yellow when my rp wants green/blue).


Any feedback by Bioware on why they used such a gimmick would be wonderful as well as feedback by other players frustrated with this issue.

The answer is simple. Light side dark side choices don't matter other then the arbitrary requirements for crystals and gear. They had to make it matter somehow. This is the crappy way they did it.

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