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Being herded randomly into cattle pens is turning me off the game.


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You're wrong, we tested it out, if you are not in the right instance you do not see the chat, we roll on the tomb of freedon nadd and the fleet chat would be insane but vibrant if everyone could use it.


You're the one that's wrong. All chat's are the same. Ever get invited into a group and had to either switch intance to get into their instance or somone you invited had to switch instance to get into yours?


Exactly how do you think they see your lfg message to reply to it? How did they reply to it and you saw their reply if the chat's aren't the same?


I'm not certain what you tested, but it wasn't the singularity of chat.


Do me a favor... log into a random server in WoW... go to Arathi Highlands and see how many people are in that zone. My guess is <5


Ssssshhh. Don't you know that every zone in WoW is overflowing with people? 200 in Empire fleet? There is at least twice that in Trisfall glades giving its MMOG feel to it. :rolleyes:

Edited by Scar
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I doubt BW or EA realise how infuriating it is as they get all there feedback from fans.


The fans will not keep this game afloat and will actually sink it.


Great game, but NOT a subscribable mmo by any stretch of the imagination.


Believe me Bioware and EA are currently in full panic mode due to the huge amount of people that have unsubscribed in the first month of this game. Blizzard and Trion are currently having a party.

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This does not feel like an mmo, more an more im feeling it for a solo RPG with minor group play . . .


Im going to the Eternity vault with my guild on sunday.....


It's a mmorpg.:


You can form guilds.

You can buy and sell with other players through a trade network.

You can pvp with other players.

You can form groups to run flashpoints.

Wherever you go, you see other players.

You can spontaneously group with other players, and invite them with a mere click (Ask them first hopefully).

You can chat on a global chat channel, ask for help, form a group, etc.

You can whisper anyone that is right by you....


Yep, must be a single-player RPG where you are herded into cattle pens. Never mind the huge worlds with roads going off in all directions. It's all a gigantic cattle pen.




Of the one million or so people who got this game, what percentage do you imagine actually drool on their keyboard? It certainly isn't 0.

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Blizzards just needs to add light sabers with there panda expansion so all the people. Dying about how this game is missing what wow has can leave. Hmm on second thought a panda with two light sabers would be kind of cool.


They already have a lightsaber. You can get it from a quest at Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands. It has been there since vanilla WoW. It's blue too.

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I like how they are breaking up the servers into sections depending on the planet or zone. The last thing I want is to try and slideshow my way through the fleet because there are 900 other people shopping as well.
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The instance zones, at most we get 250 in the imp fleet, on any planet you are looking at 70-100 people on planets. This does not feel like an mmo, more an more im feeling it for a solo RPG with minor group play.


Im going to the Eternity vault with my guild on sunday, im pretty sure once we down the endgame we will not be running it for weeks. I may play another class to 50 maybe on the republic side but its unlikely the thought of all that speeder travel and local shuttle/tunnel/orbital/tunnel to ship/ship/tunnel to fleet/fleet and back is too off putting.


I doubt BW or EA realise how infuriating it is as they get all there feedback from fans.


The fans will not keep this game afloat and will actually sink it.


Great game, but NOT a subscribable mmo by any stretch of the imagination.


Because any other game ever had more than a hundred people per zone without it being a complete cluster**** and making it unplayable. :rolleyes:


Game is fine. Go back to wow if you don't like it.

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