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Republic server...


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I've taken a look at several servers.


1 East Coast PvE

2 West Coast PvE

1 West Coast PvP



All of them had over 100 people simply playing a single class on the Imperial side.

I think Sorcs and Mercs had close to 200 players each on a couple of them.

Republic side, only Sages have ever been counted as being over 100 people strong. Every other class has been at 80, max. (Scoundrels at less than 30 total)



There are rarely more than 100 people on the fleet on my Republic server. There is rarely UNDER 100 people on the fleet on my Empire server.



And even though certain planets are shared questing areas for both factions, I rarely see any Republic players on my higher level Empire characters.






Moral of the story is: I do not believe any server has more Republic than Empire. I do not believe any server has an equal number. The closest ratio you can probably find would be something like 1:3 Republic/Empire.

Edited by Faolon
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Hmm i wished it wasn't that way, i did however found a pvp server that is usually full but even on standard pop times it has 100+ people in the fleet, i was just hoping their was better alternatives thank you for taking the time to look. Edit the server when i asked said it was 2:1 i guess that is better than 3. Edited by Dellessana
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