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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Epiphany: Dev's Don't...


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It struck me like lightening just a few minutes ago. With all of the lame design choices that are blatant in this game I had an epiphany: The Dev's don't actually play this game.




1. So many load screens I'd rather use the fleet shuttle than my ship.

2. Elevators that work correctly, but others that lead to an unneeded load screen.




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This game has all the classic signs of being designed by a committee of marketing executives/accountants instead of designed by people passionate about game-playing.


I really want to like the game but the more I level up the more I find myself fighting against the UI rather than the opponents ingame.

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Hello all,


We do appreciate feedback, whether positive or negative. We do ask that that feedback is constructive, however. Allison has a great sticky in regards to feedback and how to make it constructive and helpful. We encourage everyone to take a few moments to read through that sticky.


We're going to go ahead and close the thread but do encourage you to add your suggestions on improvements to the game in our Suggestion Compilation thread found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=87349

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