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Knight and Consular stories


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Quick question here. I'm struggling to decide whether to play a Jedi Knight or a Jedi Consular. I have a level 16 Jedi Shadow that I plan on speccing as either tank or melee DPS obviously I guess lol. But the Jedi Knight can do the same roles. Being that the roles, ship and general saber combat will likely be similar, the deciding factor on which to play comes down to the story for me.


So far (just got to Act 1 of Consular's story) its fine. Good general plot, kinda slow start and has its slow moments, but that's to be expected. I hear that if you can get past the general "dullness" of Act 1 the rest of the story really picks up. In contrast, I have heard that the Jedi Knight's story is good throughout, and has a very strong sense of "Star Warsiness" to it. However, I have also heard that it can be very corny/predictable/goody-two-shoes/boy scout as well.


I will eventually play both, but as a college student with limited play time (as I'm sure many of you college/working class players can relate to) I'd like to just focus on one for now. So I guess my question is...in terms of story only...which do you like better and why? No spoilers please, but I'd appreciate any input you can provide!

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