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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make Smaller instances an option please


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I've been noticing that the Empire station, a place I visit frequently, has been getting worse and worse on the performance side of things. Many times I'll get 5 fps because there are so many people standing around. The common factor when this happens seem to be that number in the upper left. Any time that gets into the 200's the performance goes to heck.


Can we please have the option of choosing an instance that is empty or maybe capped at 50? I'm assuming that performance is going to be an issue as the engine is constantly trying to load player appearances and once it gets enough players on screen then performance goes to heck.


Can we have an option to use instances that are smaller? I don't have the strongest hardware out there and don't want to go spend hundreds of dollars just so my time on empire station doesn't look terrible. When I take the elevator up to my ship the game runs great. I go downstairs and it's trash.


Please make smaller instances an option for ppl with low powered hardware



Edit: And while you're at it, make GTN purchases go straight to our inventory, it's annoying as heck to have to walk to that stupid email system to get our items. And put another vendor that sells all that flux stuff right next to the GTN. I hate driving over there when I'm collecting resources to craft.

Edited by TumblerSW
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Ugh, last thing this game needs is to separate people even more. Sorry, but get a better computer, don't ruin it for everyone else.


I know you said make it an option, but you (and others) going into smaller instances affects everyone else.

Edited by Shillen
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I think the last thing you need is fewer people around. People are already complaining about a lack of people.


Your issue can be self corrected by improving your hardware. Issues like that shouldn't result in BW making changes to accommodate.

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