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Which Companion?


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I play a sentinel, and by now I have all the companions. I use Doc almost exclusively, but sometimes he just doesn't heal enough and I really have to scramble to stay alive. I'm just wondering if there's a better companion for levels 45-50. Maybe a well-geared Scourge?
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First: What spec are you?


Second: What is your level in comparison to what you are facing? (+2, -1, etc)


As Watchman I used Kira exclusively until I reached Doc in which case Doc has been out ever since and I haven't had problems for the most part. My general level has been +2 for what I am facing, but even when it was same level I usually follow the same routine for groups and bosses.


For Groups I always take out all the weak guys before moving onto anything with a border around its name as I can quickly burst down 1 to 2 adds in the first few moments. I routinely keep Rebuke on CD and on facing tougher mobs and bosses I'll pop Zen and Pacify at the same time after I've take some damage as that'll give Doc along with my own heal time to top me off.


Pacify, Rebuke, and Stasis are my three CD's I use regularly in combination with Zen when possible.


Again this is what I do for Watchman spec and well its work well for me as I haven't hit a bump that has killed me more than once yet. Generally if I die its because I was too frugal with my defensive CD's.


If you aren't Watchman then I hope someone chimes in with some advice as I only have experience with one other tree and that's Focus for PvP.

Edited by SoraAzure
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Focus is a AoE-centric spec, and is only a good leveling spec so long as you stay above level. Focus is designed and good for PvP, not PvE. At that 45-50 range, you can't stay adequately over-leveled, so you don't want to be PvE-ing as Focus spec for anything that would qualify as "challenging".


I used Doc exclusively after I got him and only died once afterwards while leveling not counting a couple PvPvE deaths.

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