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Bioware, can you limit cc a bit?


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Not saying a class needs nerf, just a bit overkill on my cc.


My sniper's cover pulse knockbacks and plants them there for 5 seconds. His flashbang last 8 seconds. Leg shot is on a 15 sec cooldown, last for 5 secs, and can be reduced to 12. I get debilitate, which also lets me unload while they are stunned.



Feel free to post your own, doubt you will but I think some cc needs to be toned down for pvp. I mean i get a skill that reduces armor by 30% for 45 secs, cost pretty much nothing, and i can spam it.



Just saying bioware, might wanna tune up some skills for pvp. You know, before you end up with people playing mages with 1min polymorphs.

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All we need is a functioning diminishing returns system. Once you're CC'd in PvP, the next CC to be cast on you has it's effects negated severely due to the fact you've only just been CC'd.


That sounds good.......


Till you got stealth classes, melee, ball carriers, and the like getting a free pass because some noob threw 3 stuns at them.


:/ is it just me or is this game severely trying to copy wow but remain different at the same time to the point where its just silly?



Just saying bioware, instead of trying to fix your resolve system(which is pretty much broken to the point of working in fluke mode). You could just tune the abilities for PvP.


A lot easier, with better results.


Just saying.

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Hey I remember the days in WoW when you could essentially perma sheep or fear people. Some of the stuff probably needs to be adjusted, but you gotta give them some time to see how things play out.


Game as only been live for a very short time, they'll see how some abilities work/don't work as intended. As long as they are not like Blizz where they leave one or two classes blatantly op and do nothing about it lol.


It's a lot to ask to have everything perfectly balanced so early on in the game's life. In a couple months if they don't do anything to adjust or fix issues, then there will be a problem.

Edited by Spiritlord
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I second OPs post. I've just played my first few huttballs today and the amount of CC is rediculous. It's even worse when you are a melee character since you get knocked back and forth pretty much all the time. Diminishing returns are what's required badly. Edited by jellOfish
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Ive noticed the diminishing returns system is not working as intended. Playing as a jugg, i can also be stunlocked, but i think its not just juggs. The system seems too random at times,sometimes it works right away, others not at all. I think its a bug
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Just make the anti-CC ability have something like a 30 second cooldown. Double-stunning will still work but at least you'll almost always get out of one of them.


If i remember right it's pretty much the same ability they had in WAR, but they gave it something like a 15 second cooldown there. At the very most it should be something like 1 minute instead of the 2 minute cooldown it is here and either make it 15 to 30 seconds cooldown for tanks or give all tanks more than one CC breaker like the Powertech/Vanguard currently have.

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