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Trooper storyline issue... "SPOILERS"


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If you havent finished the line, read no further, MAJOR spoilers below








So I finished the story line and all but... I felt it lacked for tough/meaningful decisions at the climax of acts... For example, sparing or executing Tavus didnt seem to matter outside of a letter later... and the Gauntlet... that actually had NO decision to be had at all, I kept expecting some kind of tough call or having to make a choice LS or DS but... nothing (Liked the story but I thought act 2 was INCREDIBLY weak. Act 1 was great, 3 was pretty good, but 2? LAME).


I mean, I just didnt feel like my decisions at the end of each act did anything.


What also annoyed me is that the most exciting parts of act 2 (your team members fighting to the bridge) and act 3 (All those soldiers you gathered attacking the positions you decided)

happened OFF SCREEN!


I mean even a short cut scene would have helped me feel how epic things were supposed to be, I WANTED to see the safe crackers and the 81st infantry tear up the imperial ground forces, I WANTED to see the 82nd armor clash with the enemy automated defenses or the enemy walkers! I WANTED to see the rest of havoc deal with the enemy special forces RAkten sent to hit our rear... We spent all this time gathering these troops yet we dont actually get to see them do anything :(



I just wanted the end of Act decisions to make an impact for example



Jedi Consular act 2 spoiler below



The consular had to choose at the end of act 2 to either try and heal this corrupted old jedi who was possesed by a sith lord, and risk his plague spreading or execute him, ending the plague but meaning that all the masters (including your teacher) who you had previously saved would die. Killing the sith was the safe route but had dire consequences



The trooper end of act decisions had no effect.


Spare or kill Tavus? Does nothing. Gauntlet didnt even HAVE a decision to make... And killing or sparing Rakten? Again NOTHING.


Now I was content with the story, I had fun and I understand that the story line has to be fairly linear, but out of all the storylines Ive played since beta the troopers seemed to be the one that was least impacted by player decisions, It was good and fun, but compared to the others Ive played I didnt feel my choices had the impact they should have.


THat and we dont have a "villain" we care about after act one... Tavus really shouldnt have been offed after one act, I mean Act 2 had no bad guy at all and Rakten didnt come across as any different then dozens of other imperial officers we faced.





TLDR: Really liked trooper story, just found that the player decisions lacked impact on the story

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