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How to permanently defeat the Sith Empire.


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Though, to expand on that definition, it's not an extreme of comfort per say. It's more along the lines of *not* feeling uncomfortable. The chair you're sitting on is probably ergonomic in design so it conforms to the basic shape of a human being. It probably has some cushions due to small variances in the human body (and it's more comfortable than a purely hard surface) as well as an adjustable back, height, and maybe arm rests.


If that's not the case for you, it's probably not very comfortable, thus not ergonomic.


The Sith don't have ergonomic chairs. It's pure stone with the back at a 90 degree angle. And the Sith hate ergonomic chairs (ref: NPC outside Lord Grathan's estate on Dromund Kaas).

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The Sith will, quite honestly, destroy themselves.


No trust amongst the ruling echelons. Very little room for failure.


what i think. im currently playing an imperial agent and baring a reformation of the imperial government the sith will destroy themselves and bring everything down with them, luckily my agent is lightside and doesnt kill people just to kill them so maybe the republic wont shoot me on sight xD

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So what would that mean for people who play lightside empire?


Shoulda defected.


On serious note.

Dark side trooper would still kill you for trying to surrender!

Edited by scfs
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After the end of the great Hyperspace War, the Jedi Order bombarded Korriban, they raised many temples, and exterminated any population that remained.


It's one of the darker chapters of Republic History.


Wow! I never knew the Jedi Order used such tactics! Apparently that wasn't enough because the next thing you know, BOOM! The Sith Empire came right back. :rolleyes:

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Seriously though, he has a point...Aren't you guys supposed to be the "good guys"? What's with this whole "calling for a genocide" thing?




In my stories, the Enlightened Sith apparently saw it was the only choice to gain true peace and so that their original dark-sided counterparts wouldn't hunt them.


Btw in-game: I'm not a Jedi. I'm a Light-Side Sith.

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Honestly the best way to defeat the Sith is by further alienating the force-insensitive citizens of the Empire from the Sith minority. Start a huge propaganda campaign, convince them that they're being used as disposable tools for the selfish and greedy actions of the Sith. And since the 'normal' citizens of the Empire greatly outnumber the Sith, then its possible they could 'cleanse' them from their society. I'm pretty sure the Jedi and Republic would be more than happy to lend a hand too ;)
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