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Marauder pvp Annihilation


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Hey guys, this is my first video, but not the last video so ...

In this video I'm featuring annihilation spec low lvl not even 40 yet, so check it out pls, if you like pls comment below there or reply to this thread.

I'm not playing perfect, I guess none does, but even people complaining that marauder is underpowered, they should watch this video, 90% fight is 1v1 or 1v2, some duels, and I'm not recording duels with people who cannot pvp at all or do horrible in duels, I'm trying pick the best duelers to record videos.


And sry for my english not a first language! ;)


And again do not expect so much from video itself, it was my first attempt, and I think that I didn't do too bad ;)



Edited by DrRepulsor
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