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Which Arsenal Merc abilities benefit from Tech Power?


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I understand Aim is the primary stat to shoot for when using a Arsenal Merc. Crit increases the % chance you will get a critical. Surge increases how hard you crit. Power increases your damage.


What abilities does Tech Power affect though? For example, does it make Tracer Missle hit harder? Is it beneficial for an arsenal merc at all?

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Tracer Missile is yellow, isn't it? Does that mean it doesn't benefit from your weapon damage at all? Would make stacking power the best idea if so.


Or maybe not. Looking at my stats it looks like power is about a 4.34:1 return rate as far as Tech Power:damage done. Not sure how much Power it's possible to stack on gear, but 400 power for an extra 100 damage doesn't seem like much. Since power and crit are usually traded 1:1 on gear it probably still rates far higher for damage, being that 70 crit rating will do more to increase your DPS than 70 Tech Power.

Edited by Rimbaldo
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So I guess the next question would be which abilities yield yellow damage vs white damage?


Are all the missile abilities yellow (kinetic) damage? What about rail shot and unload, etc.....all white damage?


Look at your abilities list.

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I understand Aim is the primary stat to shoot for when using a Arsenal Merc. Crit increases the % chance you will get a critical. Surge increases how hard you crit. Power increases your damage.


What abilities does Tech Power affect though? For example, does it make Tracer Missle hit harder? Is it beneficial for an arsenal merc at all?


Tech Power comes from aim and your weapons. It benefits all yellow damage (all missiles, Rocket Punch and if I'm not mistaken, Jet Boost). It also benefits all bonus healing but at a lower ratio than tech damage (ie tech damage bonus might be ~600 but tech healing might be ~400).

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So I guess the next question would be which abilities yield yellow damage vs white damage?


Are all the missile abilities yellow (kinetic) damage? What about rail shot and unload, etc.....all white damage?


All pistol attacks and Rail Shot is considered ranged damage and shows as white flytext over enemy heads.

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