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Missing light armor recipes for synthweaving?


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As usual, no search option...


Is it just me? I couldn't buy any recipe for level 13 light armor pants, and now I just got to skill 100, and I unlocked heavy and medium gloves, but there's no light armor to be seen. Can't seem to train any level 17 light armor belts either...


Should I expect more missing recipes as I level up? ... Kinda bummed I bothered with this skill right now.

Edited by Pricia
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Armor only shows up ever 5 lvls or so. If you have lvl 10 glove recipes.. you won't see new one until lvl 15... (Or whatever the lvls are, but you do have a 5 lvl gap in between).


That is why you can't find any recipes the level you want. There aren't any.

Edited by Icedanno
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There's an equivalent for medium and heavy armor though... there's a 13 heavy and medium legs, and 17 heavy and armor belt, and 19 heavy armor gloves, as well as the other belt and gloves recipes I got earlier.


I just leveled armortech and we got the equivalent recipe for both kinds of armor... that's why I'm confused. It seems it just skips light armor. There's no light armor recipes at all between level 15 and level 21...

Edited by Pricia
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Also, save yourself a ton of credits and frustration and get out of Synthweaving while you are 'young'. Nothing you craft will be worth the expense or time compared to what you can pick up with Commendations and drops.


If you really want to craft, just go Biochem. At least that has useful things that make sense for your level.

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