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Once again critics mention bad LFG system


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"Unfortunately, BioWare does fail in a few areas when it comes to The Old Republic’s social features. The LFG system leaves much to be desired, for one, leaving most players to spam general chat for a group. 7.5/10. "


This is from the recent mmorpg.com review. I btw agree with the high B rating they gave the game overall.


But this bad LFG system needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed asap.


I don't know how I can come from a game like wow which has a dungeon finder, and yet feel 'disconnected' in this game. It does not feel like an MMO with all this sharding.

That's ok with the way it was designed. But you have to have a better method for connecting with other players to counter that. Or don't and leave a ton of people disappointed and frustrated. Whatever.


Personally I believe that with the faction imbalances, linear feel, and heavy sharding, this game above and beyond any other needs a cross server dungeon finder. (although the critic was fine with not going that far).


Please proceed with the flaming. I'm sure it will benefit the game greatly to make the issue 'controversial'. /sigh

Edited by Crogga
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"Unfortunately, BioWare does fail in a few areas when it comes to The Old Republic’s social features. The LFG system leaves much to be desired, for one, leaving most players to spam general chat for a group. 7.5/10. "


This is from the recent mmorpg.com review. I btw agree with the high B rating they gave the game overall.


But this bad LFG system needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed asap.


I don't know how I can come from a game like wow which has a dungeon finder, and yet feel 'disconnected' in this game. It does not feel like an MMO with all this sharding.

That's ok with the way it was designed. But you have to have a better method for connecting with other players to counter that. Or don't and leave a ton of people disappointed and frustrated. Whatever.


Personally I believe that with the faction imbalances, linear feel, and heavy sharding, this game above and beyond any other needs a cross server dungeon finder. (although the critic was fine with not going that far).


Please proceed with the flaming. I'm sure it will benefit the game greatly to make the issue 'controversial'. /sigh


Yeah because the RDF made the game that much better...


I cant wait until LFG and Dual specs come out, and the same problems that WOW had come to the surface.


All I can say is be careful what you ask for. you might just get it...

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Yeah because the RDF made the game that much better...


I cant wait until LFG and Dual specs come out, and the same problems that WOW had come to the surface.


All I can say is be careful what you ask for. you might just get it...


WoW's problems aren't because of LFD, and Dual-Spec

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Yeah because the RDF made the game that much better...


I cant wait until LFG and Dual specs come out, and the same problems that WOW had come to the surface.


All I can say is be careful what you ask for. you might just get it...


Well the first thing I would ask is what problems?

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The game is too new to implement a LFD system across servers. There's a lot of players right now experiencing the game, seeing if it's for them and not everyone will stay for whatever reason. You have to wait for the game population to stabilise and see how many people are actually playing and will play for a good amount of time. From a player point, I understand that we want everything right now but from a company point, you have to show some restraint for a number of reasons and one major reason is financial. I'm not saying that's *the* reason why we don't have all the cool perks now but it wouldn't surprise me either.


The benefits some of us have enjoyed in WoW weren't there at the start of it's game. Granted, I think they took much longer for them to implement some really great features and hopefully Bioware and other mmo's can learn from that to speed things up.


Most of us seem to be veterans of one mmo or another and whilst our experience gives us great insight to some things it can blind us to others. This is a new game with a mix of old and new mmo players. This is an opportunity to have fun in another genre of mmo, to play with friends, family and to make new ones and establish new communities.


Right now, you need to establish yourself as part of your server community. You might just need a shift in focus on how you view things. Why do you feel disconnected?


There is a LFG system in the game and if you think not enough people aren't using, just advertise it and maybe more people will start using it?



LFD had it's good points...

- Could find a group at any time of the day. If you were a tank or healer, it was pretty much instant.


LFD had several bad points...

- If you were DPS you could wait at least 30mins for a group.

- Players with bad habits (and this could cover a number of things) could get away with being douchebags because it wasn't much point decrying the terrible actions of one player who was on another server.


You may say, well that's what you get for rolling with a pug but if it keeps happening all the time, the game loses its appeal. Why bother doing this when x will happen? Why bother logging in when yz will happen. I get that mmo's and life in general will be filled with selfish people but there's no harm in trying to build some bonds with people playing in your same sandpit for now. And then in a few years time you can say... "I remember when we had to walk through a snowstorm up a mountain in Hoth, barefoot and both ways to find a group."

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Disagree vehemently.


The problems are tangentially related to RDF, and dual-spec ultimately doesn't have much to do with it.


The problem which dual-spec supposedly caused (you can change spec and do anything whenever you want!) was simply a quality of life change; you could do that perfectly fine from day 1, but it cost 15 minutes of travel time.


The problem with X-server BGs and eventually LFD and LFR is that it's stuck in an awkward place between liquid and solid character allocation. Now, this is opinion, of course, but I would resubscribe to WOW in an instant if they announced that character transfers would be free with your subscription and truly broke the idea of a sharded world. Community isn't a problem- You have the resources required to cover this in the RealID and BattleTag systems, and could likely easily implement a thumbs up-thumbs down system to reward people for playing nice in LFG systems.

Edited by LilSaihah
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I think a LFG tool would be great.


Server specific and people just tagged what role, Heroic Quesst, and FPs they want to do.


That's all a LFG tool needs really, right now you have to sit at the station in general chat hoping people are watching.

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