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This bug I found really breaks immersion


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On that note, I'd pay a Bioware Developer's salary for a day if he could fix it so that C2N2 WOULD leave my ship on missions. I would queue up missions for him 'til the end of time, just so I don't have to hear him babble about my resperatory health or the state of my ships seat cushions or the eating habits of my crew.


lolwut?!? C'mon. I think you're making too big of an issue out of this. Here's an idea, maybe every time you issue a mission he's waiting for YOU to leave. Ever think of that? Next time you send him on his way, leave your computer for the exact amount of time the mission takes, then come back. It's kinda like the light in the fridge.


I think you miss his point. He is saying that he wants C2N2 to actually leave because he is annoying, and that it would be worth paying an developer's salary for a day to get it so that he actually does leave the ship. I agree. If he actually left the ship I would go broke from sending him out on missions 24/7 just so I could come back to the ship and not find out that he had again reprogrammed my air circulators with the aroma of Alderaanian Nector. I told him to stop doing that because I am deathly alergic to it, but he insists. I think he is really HK in disguise.

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