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Rank the Republic story lines please!(NO SPOILERS)


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Have played every single empire class but no republics. Would like you guys to rank them in order in terms of story enjoyment. Are the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular stories really that bad? (Was looking forward for those 2) Edited by Korton
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Theres a section on the forums called 'Story & Lore' or something like that, you should try posting this on there.


(we are not in that section right now are we? If so ignore my comment lol)


As for my only story that im halfway through... it is awful BUT only because I am doing it Lightsided. Choose the Darkside options as a Sith Warrior and it is not too bad.

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At early levels.

I loved the trooper storyline, especially the level 10 end.

I liked the smuggler but felt it lacked emotional drive or focus, which works for a rogue character

I found the JC story pretty bland, dull master and overall not very engaging.

I liked the JK story line, some good twists, interesting master.


Overall though I have really preferred the Imp. Story lines for Inq. And Agent.

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For me:


1. Trooper. Just a well done story, and you really feel like you're a part of the Republic, and not only that, you're an important part of the Republic. You sometimes really feel it.


2. Smuggler. It's not so much the story, but the build up to what you know is going to happen when the resolution of the story happens (around the end of Coruscant). From there, I've only played to Nar Shaddaa, and I don't have much more experience with it.


3. Jedi Consular. I actually like this story. The master really sucks, and most of the time I forget she even exists. Other than that, it feels like you're actually doing something.


4. Jedi Knight. It's not as bad as people say. It's just somewhat generic, and if you played KOTOR, it feels almost like you're playing that again. It's not the same story, but it's the same feel.

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