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50 Bodyguard Merc PvP


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Hey all, I see a lot of people talking about mercenary arsenal pvp at 50 being really "bleh" with all the other classes running around being either melee or having interrupts out the yang. So i was just curious as to if i should bother re rolling my character or just stick it out and try healing if the bodyguard spec is any good for pvp? I haven't seen a single mercenary healer ( in my warzone ) so I have no idea. Thanks :).


Just to recap I am only referring to 50 PvP. Not PvE.

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I'm not a harcore PvP'er...but I do enjoy jumping into a few Warzones on a daily basis. As a full BG Merc, I am quite successful in PvP...and am always in the top 3 in overall heals. We can heal forever (with proper mechanic management)...and are a pain in the arse to take down. So, if you enjoy the support role in PvP...we are 100% viable.
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I can't comment on level 50 pvp in this game so take my comments with my current level as a filter... but I like to pvp a lot. And I've done a lot of pvp in both wow and warhammer and now as much as I can in this game.


I've tried a pyro spec and arsenal spec and a bodyguard spec. I've done these experiments between level 25 and 29(current level)


They all suffer from single target dps problems. You simply cant generate enough burst to be a class that goes toe to toe most of the time. AOE is ok in all specs and sniping players that are low health is also pretty effective.


Kiting is doable in both bodyguard and pyro with pyro giving more dps and bodyguard providing more survivability.


But so far I'm heavily leaning toward keeping the bodyguard spec. The dps is less but not a huge drop off. But the healing is actually pretty damn good once you figure out the mechanics.


plus in pvp healing is a premium and using your teammates as weapons is actually a good strat. It seems that when I focus on keeping people around me up (even people I'm not talking with in pugs), especially ones that seem to be pretty good players... can turn the tide in matches pretty darn quickly.


So IMHO bodyguard is not only viable but pretty damn powerful and might be the best pvp spec we have currently.

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I'm a lvl 50 arsenal spec'd merc and in PvP it's important to understand your weaknesses and your strengths and play to them. Do I get my butt handed to me in close range by some classes, sure do, as I do not have a great deal of long term CCs to get away and other classes seem to be able to chain CC me until my health is so low I'm pretty much dead anyways.


Even so most matches I finish with double digit kills to single digit losses normally along the lines of 20+ kills to 2-4 deaths. In good matches where my team sticks together I tend to see 30-40 kills and 0-2 deaths. The thing is I know my class is not designed to charge right into the fray and come out alive, we're "glass cannons" meaning we pick and choose where to situate ourselves and attack from afar.


The problem we see with all the OMG our class needs heplzorz is because people assume the class wearing heavy armor can go into a large mass of people kill them all and walk out alive, that's just not going to happen with good players playing.


I die, I click the rez button and continue fighting, kill counts and death counts don't mean crap in the grand scheme of things.......it's about having fun and as long as you enjoy the class don't let the other crap get to you. The PvP zones are so fast paced and exciting and while I'm sure there will be some tweaks in the future it has been one of the best launches i have seen for a MMO ever.

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