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kotor chars in TOR?


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Does anyone else exept me, think that the Sith Entity might be Darth Traya?


1st) She was the one who tought Sion how to be immortal. Couldnt she know how to stay alive till now?

2nd) After her body droped on the core of Malachor V, maybe it got "deformed" and has the appearance of the sith entity now.

3rd) Baras used her for her powers of precognition and farseeing, something that Darth Traya was extremely strong with, as it appears at finale of kotor 2.

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On in-game description :

Centuries ago she almost brought the galaxy to it's knees...


Oh weird, exactly like Darth Traya :p


Well about her hands, witch i didnt rly notice in detail....her body crushed into malachor V core....this seems like a spiritual form of her or something =P


Cmon...let it be Kreia plz :p she was the best

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