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Coruscant Map Question


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If there is a thread about this already, with the answer, please direct me to it and forgive this thread.


On Coruscant there is a small portion of the map I haven't discovered and it's annoying me to no end. It's the square part of the map that is below the Senate Tower. On my map the words "Coruscant Spaceport" are written over the part that missing. I've of course been all through the Spaceport. I've been everywhere I can go on Coruscant so I have no clue on how to get to the place I'm talking about.


Keep in mind, it's not the actual Senate Tower, down the stairs or the gardens. It's below that, on the map. Just directly below it.


If anyone can tell me if this is a bug or how I'm supposed to get there, I'd be appreciative.

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How big an area are we talking?


On first guess, I'd say it's a story area you can only access after your story sends you back to Coruscant. But I'm not sure that ever even happens, not having any level fifties yet. What I CAN tell you about this theory, is that it held true for Nar Shadda's bonus series area. You can't get to it until you unlock that speeder at level 28.


Second guess is that it's simply fog of war over an exhaustion zone, or straight drop unto death.

Edited by WonderLlama-Con
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I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but when you are going from the spaceport towards the senate tower, more towards the tower, there are stairs going down to the left and to the right. I know I missed them too at first and just happened to discover them by accident. I hope this is what you mean! I'm at work so I can't look for you.
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