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Traveling back to old planets after 50


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When leveling through the game I had more fun with the mmo than any other I have ever played, and it was for two reasons. 1 the story of course, everyone knew that was going to be huge. The second surprised me because while I expected to enjoy the planets as I do starwars, they were so entrenched in EU lore and creatures that I found myself longing to go back to places like tatooine and alderan. Unfortunatly as far as I can tell there isn't much point of me traveling there at level 50 besides to find holocrons, and while I can understand why I hope in the future that bioware will implement level 50 zones or dailys that allow us to travel to the different planets. The universe is big and diverse and well crafted, and I want a reason to keep exploring and feeling like I have 17 planets to stomp around on.


I'd like to hear your replies and maybe we can get this post long enough to get the developers listening. I want to ride thrantas around war torn alderan again, throw me a couple credits and a daily token so that more people will be there with me!

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Yeah i'm hoping for some more level 50 zones on planets for when i eventually get there, star wars galaxies did this quite well with their HK-47 questline on mustafar or the krayt dragons on tatooine, and we can't forget the rebel and imperial theme parks which had use going all over the galaxy. I'd love a questline on one of the starter planets for high levelled players which gives additional rewards.
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honestly, I was surprised there weren't krayt dragons on tatooine. I was also surprised to see krayt dragon pearls as a level 3 gemstone.


Personally, I think krayt dragon pearls should be a level 50 crystal from a loot drop of a level 50 krayt dragon. The crystal would obviously be purple colored with epic stats. Great way to introduce the purple crystal more into PvE in my opinion.


Have similar level 50 creatures on all planets, each with one of the unique colors.


a krayt dragon on tatooine that drops purple

a huge mutated wampa beast on hoth that drops silver

a kinrath (or colicoid) on balmora that drops veridian



I would love to see a beast on each planet.

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