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Crytek Leveling (World First?)


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World first for 50 does not matter in this game when 95.2% of the competition cannot compete.


lol doesn't matter anyway, there's a stream on TTV with a 34 sith warr, sucks for the guy in this thread

Edited by Brene
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Always amazed at the so called "world first'ers". Amazed by the fact that they think anyone cares. I saw a thread on some dude who was like..'I got the server first speeder'.lol


Dude...the game hasn't launched. And technically, in beta,many got stuff "first". We don't need updates.


Self absorbed much? But, I understand the need to brag if you really have nothing else in life.. I get it..we get it.


You never did it first..you never will..the designers did it first..go away.



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always amazed at the so called "world first'ers". Amazed by the fact that they think anyone cares. I saw a thread on some dude who was like..'i got the server first speeder'.lol


dude...the game hasn't launched. And technically, in beta,many got stuff "first". We don't need updates.


Self absorbed much? But, i understand the need to brag if you really have nothing else in life.. I get it..we get it.


You never did it first..you never will..the designers did it first..go away.







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Some people are attention seekers... How can they even think to gloat on "World first" of anything, when 90% of preorder access isn't event able to log in let alone play the game, any such claim of that sort is just plain cry for attention or sheer stupidity.

Imo, it was all the rushing to the end game and its content that started to kill WoW and you by doing these kind of posts are actually trying to do the same thing to this MMO. I don't like that, many others don't too.

I for one have pre-ordered the game for the simple fact that I want to ENJOY IT, not rush through content just I can get some epeen that is worthless on the long run.

I want to level through content that was written, developed and designed so we had an unique experience, not rush into warfronts so I can "level faster" or hit space on every dialogue sequence because "It's faster". It took time to make this MMO, the least you should do as respect to all the people that worked on this project is make it worthwhile.

To me, making friends, play with them on a regular basis and explore this vast "Universe" are the key elements for a long lasting MMO. Friendship draws on friendship, rampaging through a content while claiming what you claim is the kind of thing I hated on WoW's community and I sure don't like it here.

Edited by Wrwf
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It's always amazing how much hate people like him receive. Maybe world's first doesn't matter to you or me but to him it does. It's not your job to judge what the right way to enjoy the game is. Some people like to role-play, some like to powerlevel... so what? And for sure he's not more or less of a low life than we are when hanging around in a forum writing about him. ;)
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I can actually imagine these "Firsters" sitting down to drink 18-year-old Malt, guzzling it down and then screaming "First".




Some things are meant to be enjoyed and savored, like the Malt I mentioned. I think SWTOR belongs to that category, but if someone feels like treating it like a can of soda, go ahead that won't kill my buzz. I'll enjoy taking my time.

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Sheesh. Such bitterness. The fact you folks lagged on your pre-order is the reason why you aren't able to 'compete' right now.


Good luck to him. World 1st is still world first.


1. Its not biterness, its just no use to brag about being world first when noone asked for it.


2. some people that preordered late got invites before early preorders.


3. you compete in pvp areas, not in powerleveling.


4. world first is still world first. But I (and perhaps many others) want to play this game because I want to experience it from start till end. So only time I should care if he is world first lvl 50 is if im low level and he can gank me. If not, I play and enjoy it my paste and I wont like to feel rushed by people cheering for him and saying why im still lvl 10.


5. If it is really his desire to be worlds first then I wish him Gl aswell and beg him not to spoil other players experience by doing so.

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