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Sith Assassin? Weakest PVP Class?


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Assassins serve their purpose and support extremely well and when they are tank spec they are annoying as heck to deal with and they shine in warzones like hutt ball where that burst of speed gets them through fire and across the goal lines and their knockbacks off platforms are the biggest bane in the galaxy. They are an ultimate annoyance and support kind of class, and when tank spec they can be so much more.


They aren't weak by any stretch, it's all about how you play them, how you understand your role and how often you jump into 5 on 1 scenarios.

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Honestly the deception assassin is no joke, I agreed sins were horrible until I switched to a deception assassin. I go 2/31/8 now and I love it I get 3k+ crits constantly with maul, shock and discharge, btw I love discharge with surging charge it's no joke. I get atleast 6 medals every warzone unless some ridic premade crushes me on a solo and it lasts 2 min. But sins are so fun to play with stealth and being able to leave any time im outnumbered I went 22-0 with 10 medals last night it is a great class and I could stand with anyone 1-1. especially with electrocute, low slash and spike 3 stuns can't beat it. It's a fact, sins are good.
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