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Gain of the vihicle


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Hi all,


yesterday I was a litle bit pissed when I reached the level to learn to fly/drive a vihicle.

Fact is that I was at my BH trainer and had to spend there 40k to learn the skill.




HHhmm and where can I buy one??



Asking friends who already reached Lev 50 and traveld to the Fleet to buy me a vihicle.

It was also not so nice that there are only 2 types avaliable but the real reason why I typ this is that SWTOR has a so nice quest story line and then it is not possible to create a short qest row "Get your driving licence" where you get a test bike/car and have to do some parking, driving around and so (for sure it should cost a lot of credits). I think that would be realy funny compared to the stupid "pay me a lot of credits" and then there is your licence.


Also not realy understandable is the fact that I already own my own ship and are allowed to fly around the galaxi (witch didnt cost any credits to get a star ship licence) and then I have to pay 40k for a f... ground vihicle licence. But that's only a side fact, main issue is for me that there is now story line and no information where to get the first vihicle.


Hope for improvement

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I do find it really stupid that you need to pay 40k credits to be able to use speeders, i only have 25k right now and my jedi is level 24 on tatooine. Did anakin skywalker go back to the jedi temple to learn how to use a speederbike before jumping on owen lars's speederbike in attack of the clones? For most classes training should be completely free anyway, you don't see jedi paying each other to learn new skills anywhere else.
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I do find it really stupid that you need to pay 40k credits to be able to use speeders, i only have 25k right now and my jedi is level 24 on tatooine. Did anakin skywalker go back to the jedi temple to learn how to use a speederbike before jumping on owen lars's speederbike in attack of the clones? For most classes training should be completely free anyway, you don't see jedi paying each other to learn new skills anywhere else.



and while we're on that, you dont often see jedi taking payment in credits for saving the galaxy. therefore only bounty hunters should be able to accept quest rewards, since everyone else would be doing it just because they are loyal citizens of the republic/empire, not for cash.

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and while we're on that, you dont often see jedi taking payment in credits for saving the galaxy. therefore only bounty hunters should be able to accept quest rewards, since everyone else would be doing it just because they are loyal citizens of the republic/empire, not for cash.


and smugglers

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Did anakin skywalker go back to the jedi temple to learn how to use a speederbike before jumping on owen lars's speederbike in attack of the clones?


I like to think that movie never happened, but yea it's a bit steep. I'm 2 levels away from being able to get one and I have 30k banked so I'm just gonna be totally frugal for a while.

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Trust me anyone below the lvl 25 bracket i flip about 20k to 30k creds a day at lvl 29 and I'm almost militant in my need to not play the GTN. I've sold I think 8 stacks of lvl 1 crafting mats on the GTN for a collective of like 10000 creds and that was just this past Tuesday. the cred building ramps up exponentially like the experience needed per level does. by the time you hit 25 if your questing and killing things properly you should be able to make the 40k you need for the training plus the amount you need to get the rest of your training for a Sith Warrior the rest of your training costs a few thousand I think. Also the reason your paying for the ability to fly a speeder is not for a licence its for the training on how to fly the friggin thing. I know how to drive a car (equivalent of space ship in game) I do not know how to drive a motor cycle (equivalent of a speeder in game) I will at some point have to pay someone to teach me how to do that properly. Also the reason there isn't some sort of quest line to learn how to fly a speeder is the same reason there isn't a quest line to learn force choke or force leap. If those quests existed you would spend 90% of the game learning how to do that and the other 10% actually accomplishing something. For a strictly RP player it is in fact a fun idea to keep track of which trainer you go to to learn certain abilities from to craft a story about who taught you how to do certain things or improved your ability to do things you've already learned...but thats a subject for another thread.
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If you think 40K is bad wait till level 40 when its 210!


I think somehow the cost of speeders was worked in so you actually pay for the true freedom your ship gives you.


Also, you can play the game without ever really spending any credits except on powers if you just use drops, rewards, and commendations for gear. So the speeder pricing is really just a big credit sink to keep the economy balanced, especially after the apparent nerfing that slicing underwent.


I still think it is a bit outrageous in terms of price, but its still better then having to buy your own ship, which would be a crazy expense that they seem to have passed onto speeder training instead.

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and while we're on that, you dont often see jedi taking payment in credits for saving the galaxy. therefore only bounty hunters should be able to accept quest rewards, since everyone else would be doing it just because they are loyal citizens of the republic/empire, not for cash.


Also troopers and IAs would only get a set amount of credits in the mail every 2 weeks.

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