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I still like tacos


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First let me say that I love this game and so far have enjoyed the stories of all my characters. However, I just don't feel like this was the sequel to kotor 2 that I've been waiting for. I just can't get into the story as much. Maybe it's the defined roles (Republic/greater good or Empire/greater evil) opposed to the (I have no memory of what I was) role we saw in kotor 1/2.


Don't get me wrong though I still love the game.


It's like I order pizza 3 times from this awesome delivery place I just discovered, the first two times they deliver the pizza and it's better than any of pizza I've ever had. The third time; however, they call me up and let me know that they no longer make that magical pizza so instead of getting the third pizza I'll be getting 50 tacos.


I love tacos:) and I'm getting way more food now. But I'm going to miss that magical pizza :(.

Edited by hauk
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This game wasn't meant to be a sequel to kotor.


Well considering that they decided to make this mmo/write a book set in about the same time period featuring some of the same characters/complete the story line for both Revan and The Exile thus making it impossible to make kotor 3.


I really do enjoy this game and what's done is done but are you really going to try and convince me not to be sad that a real kotor 3 will never come?


This thread was created solely because I'm butt hurt that this game made it impossible for a true kotor 2 sequel to ever be made.

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